[Report] A Wrong Hunt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Date: Monday January 13thLeading: Junior Highlander MitharPresent: Watchman Geit Arma Watchman Redgar--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Coming across a pair of idle Watchmen i told them to get outside the barracks and into line. The target was to make the grueling marathon like journey to Wrong and then to the Ice Cave to its North. The conditioning would do them well. However it seemed nay to be as one watchman couldn't find his way to the Altmere outpost, let alone the Prison mountains! To pay for the watchmans mistake Watchman Geit was forced to run the stairs of the outpost. It should also be noted that he had also displayed an interest in joining the Highlanders. Indeed he dealt with the punishment well, without malice.
The rest of the run took the best part of two hours. This time the watchmen showed considerably good stamina, just about managing to keep up with me. This was even despite the barrage of corrupt magics from wytch trees deep in the forests. Finally we arrived at the grand range of mountains, including the ominous Prison peak.
Forming, we made our way into the pitch dark cave hollowed into the mountain itself, my cry of
"The mountain will protect us!" i fear falling on deaf Watchman ears. Inside however the beasts where no match. This was even despite the presence of hundreds of foul wytches and vast creatures of thick metal, that could land a solid blow. No equal to the shields of Cove, as we three shieldbearers marched on. Even stranger creatures fell under hammer and sword, some knowing each of us by name, hurling foul curses and threats. Hollow they where however. Unfortunately the hunt was cut short as Watchman Geit had to make his leave.
SignedDarath Mithar