Vincent Redfield
Ya, rly
Covian Citizen
Karma: +3/-4
Posts: 99

« on: March 02, 2006, 01:04:57 am » |
Throughout ones life, one cannot help but encounter situations which tries their patience, and ability. No matter if the experience was enjoyable, one cannot help but not forget that instance. While in service of Yew, a game was run, called 'Castle Wars'.As it sounds, here are two teams, each holed up in large facilities, and attempt to take over each other's castle. Under my expert supervision, and Kurt's amazing leadership skills, this was completed.
Attending Kurt (leading) Vinny Red Kas Valentine Gimbly Jack Sinst Leloo Hoagie Hrothgar
Now, the game goes something like this. There are three battlefields; the Barracks, the Stronghold, and the Buisness District. One has to win 2 to 3 consecutive battles (depending on how far they're pushed back) to win. For instance, if I take the District, but loose at the Barracks, I defend the District again. If I loose the district, I defend the Stronghold. if I win at the stronghold, the district, and the barracks, I win. Get it? Good!
Teams Cove Vinny Red as...Vinny Red! Gimbly As...Gimbly! Jack Sinst as... Jack Sinst! Kurt as...Kurt!
Yew Kas as...Klion! Hrothgar as...Evil Yewian Hrothgar! Leloo as...Megumi! Hoagie as...John Dell!
One:Neutral ground, the Buisness District.
For some reason, team Cove easilly beat team Yew here, which CERTAINLY wasn't a sign to come. Not much to say, they got trampled.
Two: Yewian ground, the Barracks.
We didn't even make it inside. Seems Klio Kas is something of a strategist, and planned it well. We're pushed back to the District.
Three: Neutral ground, the District.
We win again here, After both sides take a loss. We loose Jack, and they loose Hrothgar. I get somewhat wounded, but manage to secure victory with Kurt and Gimbly.
Four: Yewian ground, the Barracks
Okay, so they're good! What more do you want?! We come slightly closer to victory, but again Kas managed to foil my plans, and we go down in flames.
Five: Neutral ground, the District.
This is our battlefield! We seem to never loose. Yew is defeated, and Cove moves on... AGAIN!
Six: Yewian ground, the Barracks.
It's down to me and Kurt, versus Kas and Hoagie. We move in on the Barracks, only to find Kas has secured himself behind the bar, and left Hoagie to fend for himself. We take this as a blessing, move in, and slay the meleer. This leaves me and Kurt to deal with Kas which was no easy task. He kept managing to heal himself, but eventually, we won. Victory to Cove!
So yeah, I figured it was a good exercise in strategy and offense/defense. I hope to see this kind of game incorporated more often, perhaps? Ah, one can only dream.
The best,
Vinny Red.