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Author Topic: Dragoon Trials - Dylan Freewater  (Read 2393 times)
Joey Lanai
Dragoon Squad Leader
Covian Guardsman
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« on: March 02, 2006, 05:00:41 pm »

Dragoon Trials
Dylan Freewater

Good work so far, lets see what your made of.

Your Tasks
  • Dragoon's, being the primary assault force of the Army, need to think quick on their feet, sometimes you'll be left to fend for yourself on the battle field when your partner falls, so alas, to prove you can do such a task, i want you to slay a Dragon on your own, bring back the claw of the beast and post a report below as proof of your heroic deed.

  • A Dragoon must also be a competant leader, as in some cases you may be required to lead the squad into battle, to prove you are capable you must lead a group of Guardsmen (You and 3 others) to the Orc fort, gather 50 Shadow ore from two Orc Brutes and bring it to me, with this ore we will create your mark of the brotherhood, your Dragoon Shield.

  • You must attend a cerimony where you will be branded with the mark of the Dragoon, marking your acceptance into the Squad.



 - Joey Lanai, Dragoon Corporal

Guest Of Cove

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« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 05:23:45 pm »

*Dylan limps up to the board and pins a message mumbling to himself "Now where is some cold water fer these burns...*

Damn Dragons! Nay one said thet'd be tha' dangerous! Pah! Cute fellahs though.. could'nt bring meself to slay one of the beautiful red ones.. waited till i found a brawn scabby lookin' one. E' put up a bloody good fight! Smashed me this way an' tha', after a lot or runnin' about bandagin' meself an' makin th' creature bleed i was able ter grab me a claw.. Tough stuff though Ser! Hoh ! Would never call these trails easeh!!

The battle takes place..

Signed : Dylan Freewater.

Guest Of Cove

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Posts: 48

Guardman o' Cove

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« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 08:15:21 pm »

*A Hastily Scribbled Note...*

Joey Ser,

I am afraid i cannot continue with meh Trials an will not be joinin' th' Dragoons. I am afriad tha' i cannot be a leader o' men with yer. I will only drag yer force down! I am also nay yet strong enough as a fighter.. I wish ter train more... Then amybe one day.. i will apply again..

Signed : Dylan Freewater

[OOC] : Havnt got the time to play two characters at the momenta nd i'd rather focus on Jen.. After my exams Dylan will be back with more music plaiyng fun!! [/OOC]

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