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Author Topic: Reading lesson  (Read 2521 times)
Guest Of Cove

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Sawyer/harry potter O_o

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« on: February 18, 2005, 01:39:39 pm »

Donwin walked slowly through the woods back to her home, leading her horse Artex along behind her. She had so many thoughts going around in her head, but the main thing on her mind was her husbands cerimony to knight erant this evening.
     She wished she could attend, but the baron had requested her to man the gates of cove and she couldnt get out of it. No man would trade nights with her or offer his place for hers. So she just walked around misserable the whole day.
   When she got home she noticed her hawk, Zephyrus, sat on the window ledge. Attached to his leg was a note, Donwin petted Zephyrus and took the note. It was from Sir Kaelith of Vesper. He wanted to know if the could meet up for the lessons Donwin had requested not so long ago.

"Dear lady donwin,
I wite this note hoping all is well? I was wondering would thee like to take up those lesson's thee wanted? I have a spare moment in my scedule and would like to see how ye are doing?
Send a note back with yer answer.
Sir Kaelith"

She scrawled a note on to a piece of spare parchment, and sent it back with Zephyrus. As soon as she had replyed, Zephyrus came soaring back with another note attached with the place to meet.

    Donwin placed a fresh saddle on Artex's back and and a new bridal. Then she took him to drink before the ride to Compassion. Donwin cared alot for her horse, and knew he hated the moongates. As soon as Artex had finished drinking Donwin mounted him and urged him to ride on.

     With much difficulty Donwin arrived at the said destination a little late but Kaelith brushed it aside. They started training, Donwin took fast hits at kaelith, making sure to hit the points of where he wouldnt get injured. They trained for a good hour, when kaelith suggested they partake in some mental training back at his study. So they both travelled back to Vesparcia to Kaeliths abode.

    When they arrived Kaelith showed donwin to the study whilst he got changed out of his heavy armour. Donwin stood polietly waiting when she heard the door go behind her, there stood Kaelith in a dark grey robe. Donwin had only ever seen Kaelith in armour and could know see his true manly build. He gestured for her to take a seat, and he began.

He placed a book infront of Donwin and opened it for her, "read the first paragraph about the wren" he instructed. So Donwin did, she struggled a tiny bit and pointed out a word of which she didnt know. Melodious.

He then took that book away, and searched the shelves for another, Donwin looked around the study with great interest, when Kaelith placed another rather big book infront of her. She looked up at Kaelith with a disbelieving expression upon her face.

Donwin wiped the look off her face as he said the words "the first paragraph". She traced the words with her finger, quietly muttering as she read. Downin was most interested in this book, as kaelith explained the writers goal she tried to understand.

Kaelith again took the book away and placed another infront of her. Ths book looked rather dusty and old, then kaelith spoke of the author. Lord Blackthorn.

She looked to him with a raised brow, then he spoke about Cove. Donwin perked up at the sound of her second favourite place. She looked at the book at then to kaelith.

Donwin pulled the book closer, she blew the dust off the cover and sneezed from teh cloud that had backfired into her face. She looked around quite embarrassed hoping Kaelith didnt see her silly mistake. She opened the book and jumped at the sight of a spider scuttling away.

She read the book with great interest, learning all about Lord Blackthorns opinons. But the mornings training was catching up with her.

Unfortunatly Donwin fell asleep reading, which when she awoke, she blushed uncontrollably and looked around quickly. Unfortunatly she didnt know whether Kaelith saw her or not. Then Kaelith announced the end of their lesson.

Kaelith, being kind offered Donwin the use of his library when she pleased. But he forrbided the end shelve, which when Donwin locked at it she saw it had a locked door across it. She pondered what was behind it but chose not to ask.

Donwin walked away from Kaeliths house feeling very knowledgable and pleased with her self. She couldnt wait to tell Mhoram...

"Birdie sings the sweetest things,
Bump The Elephant isn't quite as elegant
'Cos the sound get's tangled round,
In his trunkety trunk"
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