Vesper's Current Status-Full Report
The day I was promoted to Officer Cadet, Exploring Officer Eason gave me this mission to find out the current status of Vesper, it's standings with Yew, If there is any rebellion, ect.
Shortly after recieving this mission, I contacted an Corporal of the Vesperian Militia.
The Meeting
During this meeting the man revieled to me, that Vesper is still quite in the power of Yewish forces, and the Baron is bending over backwards to keep the Yewish happy and at bay. He also informed me that there is a rebellion against this ruling, and that most of the Vesperian Militia is with them. It is the plan of the rebellion to strike the Yewish in the near future, and that they will be needing all the help they can from there Covian allies. So, Brothers! Help our friends in a time of need, Stand up!
*Signed Neatly*
Nicholi Peyton Ravnthorn
Officer Cadet, Dragoons