Vince Valentine
Cove Command
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend
Karma: +39/-6
Posts: 1127
Carl Hammond - Detective
« on: May 08, 2006, 12:57:29 pm » |
When Monday 8th May 8pm GMT Where Gather at Minoc Moongate What to bring Best armour, Many bandages, ye sharpest weapon, some flowers
Once a person has passed on, they should be at peace don't you agree Guardsmen? There's this Grave you see, of a poor unfortunate lass who passed before her time. Once a peaceful, beautiful spot, it is now desecrated by the presence of the foul undead! Our mission is to make our way through the woods to this grave and eliminate any threat we find there. Once this is done, we'll pay our respects and lay down some flowers for the dear departed lass. We leave at the eighth hour guardsmen *Nods firmly*
(OOC: Be sure to insure anything that you wouldn't want to lose folks, it could get nasty in there :OOC)
Signed Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant