Led by: Vlad
Attended by:
Kado Gael
Darek Milaco II
Thomas Sendrich
Joey Lanai
Erik Arkay
Sinn got to build a sentry right after the meeting had ended to defend sinn baron.

Many hours passed without any trouble until two figured came dressed in blue.. Seems sinn new Captain, Erik Arkay, had ordered some crates for the barricade.. after putting the crates inside esans tried to get into the inn, but Junior Grenadier Vlad bhrud allowed that. After telling ise's to leave several times ise's stayed. Mi knocked ise out..
As soon as ise got back up ise told sinn that this would lead to trouble.. and seadh..

Minutes later a dozen guards and marksmen showed up talking about 'trouble' at sinn area and that the Sentry had to be taken down.. Junior Grenadier reacted to this by sounding the horn, soon there were double the number of Covians there and it was a pick 'n pluck game with he guards..and sinn won, of course. After the battle mi and Darek were stationed at the sentry together with Delcarakdur. The rest went out with esans squads and attacked the castle (for what mi heard)