Team training In Britain
When: 30/05/2006
Where:Britain Inn
Bring: Normal Kit
Commanding Officer:Jenifer Sergeant Scouts
Guardsmen in attendance:
- Salidin Junior Grenadier
- Vince Sergeant Grenadier
- Tiberius Regular Guardsmen
- Darek Recruit
- Olchafa Regular Scout
We all met at the outpost at Britain and were on guard when Jenifer Decide that we need some training in light of the previous days events we Started with some basic commands and then we got in to a Form and she began to attack us using Poison and we ad to keep each other healed this was a great exercise in first aid we then split into teams Grenadiers me and Vince and the Scout chaffers and Jenifer and the guardmen Tiberius and Darek we all battled each team once and it became a draw so we decided to have a team free for all in which the guardmen won the last man standing was Tiberius i assume as he was the won waking everyone up
Junior Grenadier