The Freedomfighters had returned victorious from their first open assault on the Loyalists. The victory had been swift and decisive, but we should be well aware that the element of surprise was on our side. The Northern Rebellion has been blown wide open and due to the valiant last stands of the first two Island Loyalist Garrisons the others have had time to be strengthened. With the docks still firmly in Loyalist hands I have no doubt they are shipping in reinforcements from all corners.
The center islands are crucial. They are easily defendable and as long as they are held it is suicide to advance on the Docks. I fear many more men fighting for Freedom will come to their end before we'll be able to uproot them from those locations..<OOC> Information
Torch and Axe are Freedomfighter held strongholds. Shields are Loyalist.*
This sunday at 8:30 GMT, the Freedomfighters of the North will gather once more at the Swaggers.
First Battle: We shall attempt to dislodge the Loyalist Garrison stationed on the
Carpenter Island. If they are able to secure the Island for more then
30 minutes they will have repelled the attack.
Second Battle if the Loyalists win the first one: The Loyalists, catching the Rebels weakened will launch a sortie 15 minutes after the first battle ends. They will launch an attack on the
Provisioner Island and once again, the Freedomfighters will need to hold it for 30 minutes to repel the attack.
Second Battle if the Freedomfighters win the first one: The Freedomfighters will press on towards the
Healer Island. Same rules apply.
* Balancing measures will be taken if one side greatly outnumbers the others (Reserve troops will be kept back)* When defending an island you can use
all buildings, structures and bridges directly attached to the Island.
* To avoid disruptions I would ask wounded of all sides to either stay as a
ghost or regroup to the second Battlelocation instead of 'observing' the battle.
* To avoid communication errors all communications will happen between Erik Arkay and Klion or their designated replacement. They will then communicate to their side.