Were only me and a recruit out so I decided I'd call a few others and take a patrol out to kill some orcys. When we got there took everyone a while to actually get it in their head ter follow orders but once that was cleared up we started off with a nice CHAARRGGEEE...or rather JEERRMMMMOOOOOO and with that charge alone we cut down a great wad of orcs. But as we advanced deeper we crept in a little quieter however it weren't long before one of their bigger brutish ones charged us with its massive fists held high! We took it down in a matter of minutes and took all the gold from it and the dead orcs around and slowly advanced deeper into the orcs den. After slaying more larger orcs we cleared out all the orcs little dens and took everything of value (of course) which weren't much cos orcs are a bit dumb really.
After we'd cleared the whole place out we marched back to the barracks and I was quite surprised to find we'd grabbed over 10,000 in gold!
Mela (leader I.e Me)
Kado Gael
Duke Milako
Deveriath Fae'al