30/6/06 - A rather late report.
Led by: Vince Valentine
Guardsmen in Attendance:
Mela (Watchman)
Kelly (Watchman)
Nathan Algren (Recruit)
Darwin (Recruit)
We all met at the Cove gates after myself and Darwin collecting hides in the forest and Vince gathering all the other required equipment. After we all met at the gates, we began to build the wall. I was soon to find out that after a third time building a wall, I dislike it. A lot.
After the wall was built, we all got out our parade arms and stood in some kind of.. Order. We stood for a long while by our wall proudly.
Two of the recruits/watchmen made their way up the tower and looked out from there, whilst the rest of us remained downstairs. One of those recruits threw a gold coin at my head, and Mela ran upstairs to shout at him, which I advised her not to. We stood around for around fourty munutes before packing away and making our way back to the Barracks.
No trouble was caused, and Cove seemed to be relatively peaceful after the blowing up of the docks, which we can all be somewhat thankful for I suppose.
Signed: Watchwoman, Kelly Sanderson.
(OOC: Anyone who's name i've either missed or added by mistake, just put your name below.. I forgot to write the names down. Sorry.)