Vince Valentine
Cove Command
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend
Karma: +39/-6
Posts: 1127
Carl Hammond - Detective
« on: July 05, 2006, 08:28:41 am » |
When Friday 7th July 7pm GMT Where Gather at the barracks What to bring Many bandages, full battle armour, a good weapon
Hoorah folks! It's time for a team training session! What does a team training session consist of i hear you ask. let me tell you....
We head out to a dungeon that i've chosen, where I shall split you into teams of Two or Three depending on numbers. Once this is done, i signal you all in, and you have a set amount of time to storm the depths! Your objective is to keep your fellow guardsman/men up and healthy, and be the team with the most gold after a set amount of time. However, since this is a training on healing, there's a catch! Should one of your team fall during this session, you will have 1000 gold deducted from your total! *Gasp* There shall be No attacking of any other team! All gathered gold shall be piled and shared out fairly after the training. Should your team be victorious, you shall have the honour of carrying the title of..... *Whispered* Vinces ultimate healing champs Good luck folks, hope to see you there.
Signed Vince Valentine Senior Grenadier