well as some of you may have seen I'm active again ....... a bit anyway
well I'm back and ill be on at least once a week with at least one of my chars either althy, hew or max but upon my return what do i discover??? a strange cult? LOADS of people i don't know and no idea whats happening so for those that don't know me my main char is Althalus a retiered scout, founder of The Light Company and long serving militia member (and as many will say a poisoning bugger

) along side this is Hew Phella a multiple gm or above crafter including smith, taylor, tinker, carpenter so generally able to make most things ye need and finally my less known char, Max O'Munpain. Max is a simple lad with a vague belief in "the old gods" and may offten be found saying thing s life "Thor protect us" but is nevertheless a good churchgoing boy he just picked a little up from his grandmother as a boy so please don't start yelling heretic

for those of you who know me ......... I REALLY AM BACK NOW after several failed attempts to get time to play after some changes where i work I've collared a little time to myself to play uo and intend to be more active than recently but not as active as i used to unfortunately.
so this is me any catchup info would be appreciated and any introductions from those i don't know id like to get to know you. if i do know you then say hi!