I've been playing UO for close to a decade now, and I've had my share of UO dreams, but I'm pretty sure this was Unique.
I wasn't playing UO, or even "in" UO...but Watching Uo. On the Big Screen. Thats righ,t my Dream was, I went to a movie,
and playing was an Ultima Online movie. The dream seemed like it went on for ages, and sadly, I didn't get to finish it
(Damn work!) But these are the parts I do remember...
*Huge Battle Scene Commences*
Klion(Played by the Good King from LotR, with red hair sans beard): *Looks at the battle from atop an overlooking balcony): The Loyalist forces are surrounded, they've nowhere to go. You may proceed, Gotrek.
Gotrek(Played by an undefined, small, yet muscular guy): *Bows and slinks out of the room*
-Scene cut-
Vince(Played by, strangely enough, me with long red hair
I'll post a picture one day..): *Admist a skirmish, slicing and
hacking eveywhichway with a war-axe, cleaving his way through a crowd of Yewians to get to none other than...*
Joey(Played by William from Pirates of the Carribean, sans beard):*Fighting and hacking as well, meets Vince in the center
of the fight, back to back*
Vince: Fancy meeting you here. Shall we?
Joey: Heh heh..Sure thin', fella.
*Both Dragoons proceed to charge in the same direction clearing a path to the tower Klion was in*
-Scene cut-
*Cove town, its desolate. In a small house its Kazuo Shinrai facing the camera, but only up to his nose is visable, the
rest is cut off*
Kaz(Played by ? ...probably a japanese dude. Or a crazy Dutchman in Japanese clothing, either way): So you'll do it then.
*Behind him is Lyim.*
Lyim(Played by, what a surprise, Johnny Depp.): You know, I don't see a point, I'm almost positive this can't work.
Kaz: What have you to loose, Mister Rashidat?
Lyim: ..Right, good point. *Starts to leave..stops* Just a second. I want one more thing tagged onto our agreement.
Kaz: *Snorts slightly, remains with his back to Lyim.* What would that be?
Lyim: If one of them die, they get to become my Zombie Butler.
-Scene cut-
This is where it gets fuzzy. A lot of stuff happened here, but I can't remember, Anyways, on with the show.
*Hoagie (played by Owen Wilson with black hair) is surrounded by several platemailed Guards in the middle of a field,
keeping his sword outstretched. One guard Dives at Hoagie's back with a Halberd, and Hoagie quickly raises his sword and cuts
The Yewians Throat. As more guards surround him, suddenly a horse comes charging through, crushing two guardsmen on the way
in, scooping up Hoagie, and crushing one more on the way out. They charge in the direction Vince and Joe went. The rider is
Nicholi(no actual actor, looked like a young Anthony Hopkins)
Nich: See?! What would you do without me?!
Hoagie: Be getting a medal for killing fifteen guards on my own...
-Scene cut-
More fuzz. Sorry.
Vince and Joe are standing in some great Hall, with only Klion before them, unarmed and not looking particularly threatening.
Klion: I'm afraid this is the end of the line, peasants. You've taken far too much, Yew is where I draw the line. Gotrek!
*A legion of armored guards pour down two opposite steps and line up in fron of Klion, platemailed head to toe, Gotrek in
*Vince and Joe grip the weapons tighter. Klion escapes away, and the two factions engage in battle, Matrix-esque, Yewian
guts and gore flying about, when even more pour down the stairs. Vince and Joey are surrounded, and eventually engulfed in
Guardsmen. Suddenly...*
Kal Vas Flam Corp Por Vas Flam In Nox In Bal Nox In Sar (All at the same time, in different pitched voices)
*The metal doors fly open, and behind them hundreds of fireballs, energybolts, and various spells pour into then Hall and
slaughter the remaining Yewian, nearly destroying the entire Hall. Vince and Joe stand, brush off, their armor completely
torn and wasted, and glance to the door... Several cloaked mages, Lyim Among them, with dollarsigns in his eyes.*
Thats it folks, sorry I can't remember any more. Hopefully I'll have part two tonight
Btw...if you had to pick...who would your character be played by? just a thought XD