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Jemmy And Trisha- Super Sleuths Of Cove!
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Topic: Jemmy And Trisha- Super Sleuths Of Cove! (Read 5922 times)
Vidge-urr-lanty 'ero O' Cove, Speshul Ajunt Of the Barrun....(And resident village idiot)
Covian Citizen
Karma: +3/-2
Posts: 51
Jemmy And Trisha- Super Sleuths Of Cove!
March 04, 2005, 11:41:49 am »
*the message placed on Commander Eason's desk is horribly scrawled, and almost childlike in the formation of it's lettering. The spelling is atrocious.*
Wun day Trisher And me wuz in Cove.
Len Trisher telled me ther had bin a murdur.
We went to see the
Korps, and it wuz ov a wummun who had bin stabbed free times.
Me and Trisher and Ajereeun Greenun finded a neckerless on the Korps that had a mark of a vespir jooler.
So we went to see the jooler, and he telled us he had solded it to Simon Trean.
He sed Simon wuz the Blaksmiffers Apprentiss in Cove, so we runned bak to see him but he wuz not ler. The Blaksmiffer sed 'e 'ad runned away and gived me a note to ridd. I ridded the note, because Trisher cant ridd, and ridded that he wuz hidin in the rooins Eest ov the Semmertary.
The Smiffer wuld not come to the Sells wiv us, so I got Guarder Tiburryus to take him ther.
We runned to the rooins, and Simon wuz ther, and he sed the ded wummun wuz called Miz Shale, and 'he'd bin shaging her and her huzbund wuz angry and wuz going to kil him. Then when I told him to go to the Sells, he runned away and I runned after him but triped on a root and he runned away.
We runned bak to Cove to find Misser Shale, and I finded him wiv a
big pointy forker. It had bludd on it, and he pushed me wen I telled him to stop.
I telled him he wuz under err rest for murdur, and he hitted me wiv the forker and tryed to run, but Trisher shotted him wiv an arrer and I hitted him on the hed wiv my daggur.
Len Trisher runned to get Misser Eazon, and I sitted on him so he wuld not runned away agin.
Misser Eazon telled him he wuz under err rest again and too guarders lokked him up. Misser Eazon telled us we wuz gud, and me and Trisher wuz hapy.
By Jerremiah.
Vij-ur-lan-tee hero of Cove.
Veldrin Ni'Harel: Some days I feel zhat unintelligent individuals should be cut down
Veldrin Ni'harel: To save zhe rest of the world a headache.
Jemmy The Rat: Darn roight 'em shudd!
Jemmy The Rat: Keep the clevvur 'uns loike uss'ns aloive, 'eh Mizz Veldrin?
Veldrin Ni'harel: *groans and rests head on the table*
Vidge-urr-lanty 'ero O' Cove, Speshul Ajunt Of the Barrun....(And resident village idiot)
Covian Citizen
Karma: +3/-2
Posts: 51
Re: Jemmy And Trisha- Super Sleuths Of Cove!
Reply #1 on:
March 04, 2005, 11:43:50 am »
[OOC] Bloody hell that was a nightmare to write. Anyways, thanks to everyone who took part, it was great fun! Except for losing Simon at the bloody Vesper serverline >.< Ah well! [/OOC]
Veldrin Ni'Harel: Some days I feel zhat unintelligent individuals should be cut down
Veldrin Ni'harel: To save zhe rest of the world a headache.
Jemmy The Rat: Darn roight 'em shudd!
Jemmy The Rat: Keep the clevvur 'uns loike uss'ns aloive, 'eh Mizz Veldrin?
Veldrin Ni'harel: *groans and rests head on the table*
Gregor Eason
Re: Jemmy And Trisha- Super Sleuths Of Cove!
Reply #2 on:
March 04, 2005, 04:55:36 pm »
Adrian Grenan finds Mrs. Shale, DEAD!
The trio, Trisha, Jemmy, and Adrian, chase a lead to Vesper Jewellers.
The trio question a Smith linked to the murder case.
The murderer? So they thought!
The man to blame, Mr. Shale!
Commander Eason praises the young Vigilante Detectives.
Last Edit: May 22, 2005, 03:22:25 am by Gregor Eason
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