After id given some cheek to Darath, Mela pulled me aside and told me that as punishment i was to clean every window in the church, and weed the grounds. Sighing heavily as she left, i headed off to the provisioners in search of a bucket with handle to clean the window with...
When i got to the church my spirits raised slightly, it did not seem to hold many windows. However looking inside i found myself quite mistaken, the place has SCORES of them hidden away under tree and turret.
Next came the weeding, and despite my leather gloves, i picked up many a graze from the brutal thorns that seemed to have taken over the grounds and the graves. As for the graves...well...something unsettlin' about tidying up someones final resting place. With great care not to disturb the flowers, i weeded the site thouroughly and rinses the stones before heading off to rinse my own cuts.
There ya are Mela, one clean and weeded church!
- Signed Salick Kaysen