Guardsmen attending:
Vince Valentine Grenadier Sergeant (Leading)
Conan Darkmoon Guardsman Recruit
Mela Arkay Officer Cadet, Scouts
Kal shadowhand Retired Scout
Hoagie Regular Dragoon
We began our journey, by hopping through the moongate of Minoc.
We marched north, attacking any threat we came upon, including some hideously foul turtle-like creatures which spurted acidic blood when struck!
Ewwww...Deeper into the island we went, through harsh undergrowth, where we were assualted by many a shadow walker, and wolves as big as houses with two heads!
Suddenly, we heard the hiss of what seemed a thousand lizards! We slowly moved forward, until we were surrounded by vile lizardmen, after our blood!
Crikey!We fought hard, and fast, until every last one of the forked tongued fiends were eating dirt. Unfortunatly, we lost Conan at this point, as he'd stumbled into the dense forest. We soon found him though, looking a little worse for wear, but still alive.
We had marched far, for what seemed like days, and now we were at our destination.
We took shelter in a nearby cave, whilst local legend Kal Shadowhand went to attracted this frozen wenches attentions. After a very short while, we heard an unholy screech, and Kal appeared, followed closely by the dreaded 'Lady of the snow'.
After a long, harsh battle, her lifeless corpse lay in the snow, where i took my trophy, a handful of her hair.

With Tokuno that little bit safer, we headed home, another job well done.
Hoorah for Cove!
*Signed* Vince Valentine
Grenadier Sergeant