Attendees:Mela Arkay, Officer Cadet -
LeaderHoagie, Regular Dragoon -
Come LateFalconheart, Guardsman Recruit
Edmund Rufus, Junior Scout
Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout
Dinah, Guardsman recruit
(Floria from GRD - Thank you for attending!)Yella, Guardsman recruit
Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant
Eyrothrath, Guardsman recruit -
Left earlyAfter most people had made their way to the Britian Brigand fort I lined them up outfront the fort. Since Dinah, Flacon and Eyro were taking their time I decided to do a few exercises with those present. We started with a bit of jogging followed by a couple of pressups and then I paired them off and let them hit each other for a while to waken themselves up!
Beginning exercise When the rest finally arrived I explained the rules and then they began. The aim of the game is to knock everyone else down, you start with three lives and after you have been knocked three times you sit out and become a healer.
The game goes on. The game lasted longer than it was supposed too by about 15 minutes however there was two winners, Hoagie and Falcon. It just wasn't good enough. Setting up a small arena in the entrance to the fort I set a limited bandaid rule and off they went.
Hoagie and Falcon battle it out - Mela Style! After a rather short bottle with a shocking victory Falcon was declared the winner! So Congratulations to you Falcon.
Congratulating Falcon. *Signed*