Patrol through CoveQuestioning the CitizenfolkLed by Kelly, Junior Scout
* Ira Sanguistat, Recruit
* Del'Zar, Recruit
Since passin' time idly be such a sin, Junior Kelly called the active recruits on a brief patrol through Cove. I volunteered to do the report, since me writing skills could use a bit o'work anyway. It also gives me a chance to show off my superb artistic talent. Y'see?
Perfect, I tell you. Now as the patrol got started, Junior Kelly led us into the town of Cove. Immediately we headed into the guard tower, and spotted a civilian who weren't supposed to be there. We scolded him sufficiently and moved on to scout the rest of the Covian Wall.
We then headed to the other buildings of Cove to make sure they were clear of any offenses. While the buildings each seemed a bit messy, none of them posed much of a danger. Although Junior Kelly was not happy to see the state of the Healer House.
We did however find a stash of nightshade hidden under one of the beds, which Del'Var properly *ahem* disposed of.
We spotted and dispatched a fearsome, two-headed ettin on the way to the next guard tower. Who knows how it got into town, but regardless it won't be troubling anyone anymore.
The town appeared otherwise clear. Another successful patrol!