Guardsmen Formation TrainingTime/Date: 1930, Wednesday 11, October, 2006
We all we taught by Joey Lanai on the way in which the guardsmen line up into
formation. This began as just a basic line up, though the following task was a
bit difficult for me..
Here we are being told to line up..As Joey was explaining a formation, he used a bottle to be the guardsman in
command and bandaids to be the other guardsmen. He then asked for volunteers
to put the guardsmen (bandaids) into formation, in order around the guardsman in
command. Flina attempted this but fell error to the task because she had not lined
the guardsmen up properly. Joey then explained that when falling into formation, the
guardsmen must line up from the front, then to the side, and then to the back around
the guardsman in command.
He then demonstrated our next formation with a bottle and bandaids as examples..
We then proceeded to attempt the formation ourselves. In this lesson he explained
the skirmisher's roll. The guardsman in command would then select 2 skirmishers
and they would have to not only attack the target but keep the other guardsmen
and themselves healed.
Here, we all mimic the formation we learned.Our first practice target was the Evil Mr. Fish. This is where on of the skirmishers,
Flina, was injured but Tyrael stayed put and successfully defeated the target.
We then were instructed that when injured, fall back until you are ready to attack
the target again. In doing this, the others can help to aid you and you can avoid
being knocked out.
Here we practice killing our world known target.. the Evil Mr. Fish!!After this target we took turns with different guardsmen in command. Our target: Joey
Lanai. First attempt he was defeated. Though since this had been my first try at it,
and I was chosen to be the guardsman in command, I stalled a bit and got a bit confused. I then called the guardsmen to form and named the skirmishers. Though this attempt seemed to be more of a failure because there was no victory or defeat. We were then
told to Cease and were dismissed.
Whom Attended:Joey Lanai, Senior Dragoon
Mikaela, Guardsman Recruit
Flina Trix, Watchman
Del'Zar, Watchman
Tryrael Styx, Guardsman Recruit