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Author Topic: Weekly Alliance training.  (Read 2461 times)
Teagan Grayner
Mop abuser of Cove
Covian Guardsman
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Karma: +15/-10
Posts: 84

I touch the fire and it freezes me.

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« on: October 13, 2006, 01:32:52 am »

In attendance:
Guardsman Recruit, Mikaela
Officer Cadet, Hoagie
Juniors Guardsman, Conan Darkmoon
Kaldorian, Kai
Kaldorian, Gorn
Kaldorian, Himasa

Lead by: Joey Lanai

For this weeks Freedom Fighters training we traveled to Valor where Joey would be teaching us about healing one another. For this he decided to take us to a sort of cave in the mountain.
On the way there we encountered a few monsters such as liches and dragons though they were definitely no match for us and we took them down with a swing of our swords and bash of our maces!
We quick marched behind Joey the whole way there and when we arrived we stepped into the dungeon. We were greeted by a few skeletons and liches but again, they weren't much of a match for us and we quickly moved onto bigger things. Next we faced blood boiling fire elemental and boot melting acid elemental! We again took them down and moved on to one of the most vile smelling creatures ever - Blood elemental. The sickly smell of rotting blood is putrid though we took it down and moved on. Next we faced two daemons and a balron at the same time! It wasn't as difficult as it sounds, the crosshealing was excellent although Joey did fall face first down on the floor.
Moving on we came to a calming place, a beautiful chapel of sorts with a fountain in the middle, it was rather strange that it was in such a dastardly place, perhaps built by dwarfs?
Next came the trick part, a blood elemental except it was golden came along and we all ended up with our face to the floor. Eventually after a long tiring battle we managed to knock the thing back though I'll say that I never want to fight one of those things ever again!
We collected around 40,000 gold overall (not bad eh?). Thanks a bunch to the Kaldorians who attended!

*Signed*Watchman, Flina Trix

Vince Valentine
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« Reply #1 on: October 13, 2006, 02:24:48 pm »

And who was the handsome devil in bronze who also went....Twas I Vince valentine!

Nicely reported Flina I'd say we thouroughly shook up the place.
A grand adventure indeed.

Vince Valentine
Grenadier Sergeant

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