Spirituality:Led by : Raiden Morana (Grenadier Corporal)
Attending Guardsmen:Mikaela (Guardsman Recruit)
Kelly (Junior Scout)
Nay too much to report, but we travelled to Spirituality and bashed the buggers good, to say there were only three of us! A very messy trip, as we were absolutely covered in feathers and blood! Absolutely disgusting and repulsive.
We got lots and LOTS of feathers - A grand total of one thousand and eight hundred, which me and Raiden have shared between the Scouts and the Grenadiers.
We also collected over nine thousand gold from the blighters! And we all came back in one piece.. And with other pieces of harpies embedded in our armor. Tasty. Because we were having trouble whacking the birds at the same time as trying to trample our way out of the huge masses of their corpses, Raiden told us to fall out and go back to the Barracks without skinning some. This was a good decison, but we could have ended up with a lot more feathers if those corpses had been skinned!
Sorry for the shortness of this report, but there is really nothing much more to report about.
Signed: Kelly Sanderson, Junior Scout.