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Author Topic: Richer than hay - COMPLETE  (Read 2723 times)
Mela Arkay
'Must be stopped'
Covian Legend

Karma: +17/-14
Posts: 2880

<3 PooSwallower

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« on: October 15, 2006, 01:00:24 am »

Hoagie, Officer Cadet from the dragoons sighed loudly and rubbed along his horses back a clump of hay gripped in his other hand. All the dragoons horses were sick of hay and they needed a dramatic change in their diet..

Good evening to you!

Recently the Dragoons horses have been getting weaker from lack of food and they will NOT eat the hay provided! Obviously we can't let the horses starve.

Buy or pick 10 of each fruit. (apples, pears, lemons...)
Hand them to Hoagie as soon as possible.

Anyone may do this task.
You may only do this task ONCE.

  • A report of how you got the fruit must be done with picture proof.

Scout Corporal,
« Last Edit: October 18, 2006, 11:43:38 pm by Mela Arkay » Logged

Guest Of Cove

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Posts: 19

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« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2006, 07:35:59 pm »

I Del'Zar set out this morn after readen then boards to fill an order fer Mr. Hoagie. I went and got my packhorse to carry all the goods I was to collect. I then went to Ilshenar Sacrafice to an apple and pear archard that is there with the most sweetest apples and pears. I got there and someone had allready gather the fallen apples so I had to do it the hard way.

After gathering the apples I moved down to the pear tree and had to do the same thing. But they fell easier than the apples did.

As far as the lemons go I traveled all over and all the trees wer all picked clean so I went to Cove Pravisionsers to see if the Farmer Lass was there and she was. I approachered her and asked her if I could buy some lemons.

I then went to my packhorse and put them in its pack and did a count to make sure I had enough fruit fer the order.

I know the task was to gather ten of eack fruit, But how long will ten get with a horse eating like they do.

Signed Watchman: Del'Zar

« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2006, 11:03:46 pm »

When I've read tha new tasks, me had to think a minute. Me wasn't sure whether have time to seek for these delicious fruits, because was very tired after few days of hard workin' in our great forests.

Another concern was whether to seek fruits myself, or travel to other lands and all of that kind...

In the end, me, Qom Riyadh, humble supplier, decided to buy them fruits from our hard-workin' Covian farmers, in respect of their hard work.

Because me work hard and fair, me had some gold, and is very willing to spare them for food for some beasties, as a way to say "thank you" to all of our fine watchmen, guardmen, dragoons, which make us, covian citizens, feel safe.

so me took my goldies, and went to Jasmine, the covian farmer.

Also bought some carrots, since a healthy horsie need dem to be happy!

Miss Jasmine was very happy to provide me with her foods.

Bag full o' fruits just before handing it to Hoagie

Me hopes the horsies will be fit and strong!

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