Attended by:Raiden, Grenadier Corporal (leading)
Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant
Joey Lanai, Senior Dragoon
Hoagie, Officer Cadet
Raziel Von Richter, Officer Cadet
Gimbly, Regular Grenadier
Thomas Sendrich, Regular Dragoon
Desmond Krieger, Junior Guardsman
Flina Trix, Watchman
Tyrael, Watchman
Del'Zar, Watchman
I rallied the troops on the barracks roof top. Despite their feeble attempts to delay proceedings (they had obviously heard about my reputation from my time in the Highlanders). Once they had been shocked into having a full kit i proceeded!
Armour stripped off I had everyone warm up by completing two laps of the barracks rooftop whilst doing push ups in each corner and then a brisk forced march to the city gates.
Suitably warm from those gentle exersions i next had them sprint up the gate house steps onto the wall for more push ups and then sprint back down the opposite gate house steps.
Next stop the docks! A little leg and arm work - treading water whilst holding their parade arms above their heads and not getting the weapon wet!
*grins*After finishing first in all the previous tasks it seemed Joey had drown when he disappered from sight. He died a hero's death I supposed but he soon came back into sight. I think he swam around the peninsular and back while everyone else was blustering around!
*smirks*Cold, wet and complaining I had one last exercise to get them warmed up again. A little more running. I had set up some equipment which the guardsmen had to sprint around. A couple of laps did the trick. I think someone dared to beat Joey this time. However we finished with a free for all where the Jo' got his revenge.
After the free for all I dismissed the men! Well done to everyone who attended! You'll feel it in the morning!
*grins*If I missed anyone off the attendance roster sign below!
*signed*Raiden, Grenadier Corporal.