When: Friday, 13th October
Where: The Savage City
Led by: Garak Nightchill, Junior Scout
Attended by:
Kal ShadowHand, Regular Scout
Hoagie, Officer Cadet
Desmond Krieger, Junior Guardsman
Lartan Eheh, a hunter of Cove, originally hailing from the lands of Shaddap
As the campaign of the Juka nears it's climax, I decided it would be prudent to make sure that when we attack the Fortress, our flanks are secure from the savage raiders. So I led the above named stalwarts on a night raid against the Savage city. Entering the central plains of Ilshenar from the eastern cave, we killed any patrols quickly to maintain the element of surprise. Scout ShadowHand and meself infiltrated the city and killed the gate sentries. I then used me flute to signal the others to join us.
We then moved through the city. I call it a city, but it was really just a sprawling collection of mud and bamboo huts. We engaged in some brutal room to room fighting, killing all we saw. By the time the savages realised what had happened and tried to rally their troops against us, we were already deep in their midst, applying a liberal dose of boot-against-arse to cure the savage threat. We found the roasted remains of a prisoner and avenged him. We then fought our way out the city. The final stage, an assault against the Blackthorn Fortress will be executed as soon as the plan is finished.
We then returned to Cove. The gold collected, such as the barbarions were carrying, was donated to the coffers.
Garak Nightchill
Junior Scout