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Author Topic: Dragoon Quest: Flina Trix  (Read 5811 times)
Joey Lanai
Dragoon Squad Leader
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Karma: +31/-27
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« on: October 24, 2006, 05:21:08 pm »

Dragoon Training
Flina Trix

During your training you will be assesed on various area's we feel make up a Dragoon, for details on these traits please read the Code of Conduct, you'll be required to follow these as any other
Dragoon would if you wish to make it into our ranks.

All topics covering your progression through your Dragoon training will be posted here to track your progress.


Task 1

Every Dragoon's brother in arms comes before anyone else. This trust cannot be earned  by simply wearing the badge, you must work at your relationship with the other Dragoons.

Your Task is to meet every Dragoon in the squad and spend some time talking or training with them which will allow the you to get to know the squad and vice versa.

Your experiences with every Dragoon aswell as a summary will be posted here, and i'll also be asking the men to report on your performance during your training.

Dragoons Met:

Joey Lanai
Nicholi Ravnthorn
Vincent Redfield
Thomas Sendrich
« Last Edit: October 28, 2006, 09:44:16 am by Joey Lanai » Logged

Teagan Grayner
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« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2006, 11:22:41 pm »

Task one, Getting to know the Dragoons.

Joey & Hoagie

What better way to start a task then getting better acquainted with the cream of Company. Senior Dragoon, Joey Lanai and Officer Cadet Hoagie.  We all bumped into each other in the cells when an old and toothless prisoner was being guarded. Of course I was going to snatch the opportunity while it lay in front of me and I asked them both if they could teach me a thing or two about combat.

Me and Hoagie started off with a duel to show Joey what I was capable of. He won the first round and I bagged the second. After I asked Joey if he had any input for me but he said he couldn't until I was a dragoon, which is fair enough. But next Joey himself wanted to duel me.

We dueled and I think you can guess who was victorious though apparently I did well and my arcanic usage has indeed improved from the last time we dueled. We dueled a couple more times and we talked about how useless the spell 'Close Wounds' is unless in paired combat. The next duel was a little different though, I expressed to Joey earlier how I'm going to try my hardest to win the next arms master so what better way than to pratice than to do?

The dueling went on for about an hour and a half.  Joey taught me how to move effectively in combat, how to heal effectively and so on. Was an excellent training and overall I think I learned a lot.


Hoagie, Kurt & Nicholi

After Kurt had dueled a bit, I invited him to the tavern for a general friendly chat. Luckily for us in the tavern already was Hoagie and we made him hop up and serve us a drink (which Kurt was a gentleman about and brought himself). The way to a mans heart is through his stomach as they say. It was awkward at first, as it is when you just randomly invite someone for a drink but all three of us began chatting about the upcoming halloween tavern night as well as the horse I want when I'm a dragoon! (I want a white one by the way). Me and Kurt chatted about the basic such as where we come from though and we also chatted about how we all came to the army.

We sat around for a while not really talking about anything particular, joking around and drinking our drinks. All in all it was good fun, though the fun. We were soon joined by Nicholi as well who sat down, had a gulp of wine and joined in, in our merriment.

We again began discussing where we were from only to find out that Hoagie and Nicholi both come from outside Britian (Coincidence, huh?) I still think their long lost brothers. Eventually Nicholi had to go do some paper work and Demarian wanted us to do a recruitment stall so our fun tavern evening ended!



So the barracks was empty and when theres an empty barracks, theres a bored Guardsman and it was unfortunate that today that was me. I stood outside them until I was lucky enough to bump into Thomas and his horse named Thor (which i still think he named after the dwavern god). He made a comment about me changing my hair and then we began chatting.

We chatted about his earrings too which he seems to think are really very manly (he also took a while to explain in full detail about when his ears got infected because of them being pierced.) Not long after that Conan came along and we started chatting about how masculine all the women were in the army, or..at least that's what Thomas said though I can't say I agree that I'm at all masculine!

We soon moved off the subject of my masculinity and then onto where we were born, apparently Thomas also comes from the out skirts of Britian on a farm. I then expressed my distress of how I was going to be the only Minocian in the Dragoons!


Vince.R & Hoagie

Just as Thomas was about to leave Vince came along and caught the end of our conversation. Thomas was upset about his other 4 horses dying and Vinny just couldn't understand why he cried over it! Though Vince also expressed the only time he actually cried.

Me & Vinny then chatted about 'the old days' of him being a watchman that he was an alcoholic because I expressed my dislike for drunken behaviour. Was quite shocked to find out about his days as a watchman.

Conan then told us how he wants to ban drinking but Vince quite rightfully put him straight and told him Teagan would beat the snot out of him if he somehow had alcohol banned. After that we talked for quite a while to Sherri as well and Vince told us about when he was in an orphanage.

I think that's all the dragoons so far sir.

Flinaria Trix,
Junior Guardsman.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2006, 12:16:13 am by Teagan Trix » Logged

Samuel West
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Beasting will continue untill morale improves!

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« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2006, 11:35:30 am »

Lies! I never Cried!! I.. I... I Had Something in My Eye!

Joey Lanai
Dragoon Squad Leader
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« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2006, 09:57:02 am »

Task 2

Dragoons -must- have a strong sense of discipline, orders are followed to the letter and expect others to follow them just as blindly. Dragoons are not the local clowns, but nor are we the bore of the party! A good balance must be maintained.

For your second task you must lead a Drill covering all aspects of the army from Parade Orders to Battle Drill involving various scenario's. Once the drill is over you must provide rest for the men, a night in the local tavern will do nicely but remember not to get drunk and embarass yourself, remember this is a trial of Discipline.

You must have atleast ONE Dragoon above Class 3 attending to provide an additional report to myself for your assesment.


Teagan Grayner
Mop abuser of Cove
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Karma: +15/-10
Posts: 84

I touch the fire and it freezes me.

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« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2006, 02:49:07 am »

Discipline - Parade Drill and Evening Relaxing

Flina Trix, Junior Dragoon - Leader
Hoagie, Officer Cadet - Observer (class 2)
Demarian Tel'Var, Regular Grenadier - Left Early
Snudrud, Guardsman Recruit
Garak Nightchill, Junior Scout
Halen, Guardsman Recruit
Joey Lanai, Senior Dragoon

For my parade drill I decided to take people to a different and more interesting location, and that Location was Luna bagball stadium. I went through the normal things, arming, disarming turning to the left and right ex certera and I also asked questions to keep people on the ball.

I went through a battle drill as well, showing formations with bandages and asking them to put them in the right place. I also woke Demarian up from a day dream by asking him several questions in a row. To show the importance of formations I did a few scenarios involving the baron and The Grenadiers in Trinsic. As well as a scenario stressing the importance of keeping in formation and NOT running away.

And after a large last man standing (which in the end had to be turned into 'Certain Death') we took a long trek down to a snazzy looking bar in between Umbra and Luna. They had no available staff for hire that day so I brought my own box (a good variety though!) of drinks and served. We spent most of the evening listening to a tale from Joey then shortly after an equally as exciting tale from Hoagie.

Junior Guardsman, Flina Trix.

Joey Lanai
Dragoon Squad Leader
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +31/-27
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« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2006, 05:53:45 pm »

Task 3

Every Dragoon must have good combat skills if they hope to survive in battle using the advanced tactics of the Dragoons, training is the key, and you are in need of it.

Your task is to attend a personal combat training session with myself to assess your ability and to improve upon it with Dragoon training, only then will we know your potential.

See you in the Arena


Joey Lanai
Dragoon Squad Leader
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +31/-27
Posts: 930


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« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2006, 12:38:11 pm »

All Tasks Completed, Welcome to the Brotherhood

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