Hi, my name is Juul and I have not touched a drop of alcohol for 12 days now!
Let's turn this thread into something different.
Can anyone give me 1 (serious) reason why people should drink?
Because it's a social thing to do?
Fuck that, if you need alcohol to be social you need professional help.
Because that way it's easier to get sex?
Trust me, you're going about it the wrong way!
Because it's easier to talk to people?
Means you're a loser.
Because you like to get fucked up?
Smoke weed and smoke plenty of it, solves the problem.
Serously, alcohol is a socially accepted harddrug that doesn't only fuck you up, it also gives you a terrible hangover, incites violence in some people, makes other people forget what they did or have done altogether etc. etc. etc.
But then who knows, perhaps next weekend I change my mind and start drinking again