When: Sunday 19th November
Where: Blackthorn's Chaos Fortress
Led by: Garak Nightchill, Junior Scout
Attended by:
Vince Valentine, Grenadier Sergeant
Mela, Scout Corporal
Hoagie, Officer Cadet
Kurt, Regular Dragoon
A recap of the Jukan Campaign:
Stage 1: We wiped out an assault force of Jukans gathering in Dungeon Wrong
Stage 2: We routed a garrison of Chaos Dragoons and Jukans in Mistas, and checked on the Meer settlement of Lakeshire
Stage 3: We raided an enemy mining outpost and ambushed their sentries and patrols scattered throughout the valley.
Stage 4: We raided the Savage tribal city killing many of their finest warriors.
Having systematically killed many of their troops, forcing them to send out reinforcements to re-garrison their outer outposts, we were at last ready to assault the main objective: The Chaos Fortress.
We marched to the gates of the fortress, and it was there we met out first challenge. A gold-plated Betrayer, much stronger than the regular ones, initially
kicked our arses forced us adopt a fighting retreat tactic. We eventually killed it at the cave entrance.
We then returned to the fortress and stormed it. By fighting room to room we were able to take on numbers much greater than our own by fighting them piecemeal.

We killed many Jukans, Controllers, golems, betrayers, juggernauts and enslaved gargoyles. We also found a journal written by the Jukan Warlord.

Judging that we had taught the Jukans the error of their ways, we fought our way outside and returned to Cove. Job well done.

Garak NightchillJunior Scout