If it's wooden items you crave mister Perrin, wooden items you shall have!I began my task by gathering the needed wood, and decided I'd fetch it from the woods of spirituality. perhaps a little pixie magic will rub off on them Hmm?
I headed to a not too deep part of the woods, the pixies there playfully buzzing around me. I felt safe under they're watchful gaze, and found a nice oak tree..
Chopping, it's what a Sunset does bestWith a nice supply of oak branches, i began to whittle, until I'd made the wood workable. After alot of sawing, sanding, and general carpentry, I'd made all that was on the list...
Hooray!I hope they are to your liking Mister Perrin, i made them with all of the needed ingredients. Wood, and a little Dubrey love *Nods eagerly*
*Signed in bubbly writing*
Sunset Dubrey