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Author Topic: {TODA} Battle of the Scouts! - Wednesday 7th 9:00PM GMT, Scouts & Scout R's ONLY  (Read 2226 times)
Mela Arkay
'Must be stopped'
The Light Company
Covian Legend

Karma: +17/-14
Posts: 2880

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« on: February 01, 2007, 08:08:24 pm »

Prove we're the best!
Well then my Scouts and Scout recruits the time has come to prove we are better than the cowardly Yewish waywatchers and defeat them in a fair, Scout only, battle.

Our tactics are similar to theirs, so do not be surprised if they seem harder than they look. Just remember, they have the same weaknesses as we do. They don't use shields, why? Because its hard to be sneaky with a shield. They have weaker armour like we do, why? its hard to walk in the shadows quietly with a chainmail suit. The Yewish are known for their heavy use of poison, so use it back - Play dirty those who can. And have plenty of potions and petals handy.

The best tactic is hard hits, for the archers within the group use concussive shots and ones which can pierce through armour.
Before the battle I will be providing a kit of things, I suggest studying over the contest and using them wisely.

Arrive outside the barracks at 9:00PM GMT and we will head towards the destination where the battle will be held.

Scout Sergeant,
« Last Edit: February 07, 2007, 03:08:20 pm by Mela Arkay » Logged

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