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Author Topic: Our questions answered, but at a price.. (Report)  (Read 1979 times)
Vince Valentine
Cove Command
Covian Guardsman
Covian Legend

Karma: +39/-6
Posts: 1127

Carl Hammond - Detective

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« on: February 21, 2007, 09:20:29 am »

Guardsmen attending:

Marcus       Watchman
Perrin         Watchman             
Regdar       Junior Grenadier
Delc            Junior Guardsman
Erik Arkay   Senior Guardsman
Greif           Hardened Guardsman

Vince Valentine       Grenadier Sergeant (Leading)

As we battled our way through the harsh forests of Tokuno, my mind wandered back to the Jade Monkey. Why was it so well guarded, what power did it possess?
The guardsmen were getting weary, we'd marched for a few hours now, and our destination seemed to get no nearer. The crude directions I'd been given told us that we were close, yet all we could see were trees and the odd evildoer in need of a good slaying. We rested for a short while, attempting to get our bearings..

North it is, Covian heroes!

Suddenly, looming above the woods that surrounded us, we saw a mountain come into view. This was it! We were indeed close. Regdar and I took point, and headed along the path....

We came to a clearing, where a peaceful looking tokunese man sat. It seemed the evil that had infected these lands hadn't penetrated the mountain hideaway here, and it remained a peaceful and beautiful spot.
He claimed his name was Ordano, introducing himself in a quiet yet powerful voice.
We got down to buisness, and he asked to see the jade monkey....

Holding it closely, he fell silent, before beckoning us deeper into the mountain.
There, he told us the story of the jade monkey, and how it came to be..

Old monkey of jade...

Apparently it was crafted by a well respected chap named Kayosuke, many years ago.
As he completed it, the jade monkey was somehow infused with mystical powers.

The swine!

It was soon stolen from it's owner, by a corrupt lord, who wanted the powers for himself. You see, the Jade Monkey has the power to cure all ailments with only a few words!

The man who ordered the crafting of the Jade Monkey, a General of a great army, was outraged by this, and sent his men to retrieve it. This was the last anything was heard of the Jade Monkey until us Covians stumbled upon it.

Ordano then asked if we'd like a demonstration it's power. We were keen to see what it could truly do, and obliged when he asked us to head north a little, to the waters edge. We were to watch the waters surface closely, and await him to utter the words....

We awaited, our eyes fixed on the water as Marcus escorted him back to the mountain pass. WSome time passed, until Marcus returned, telling us the words had been uttered and that we could return. As we marched back, something felt wrong...
Indeed something WAS wrong! The sneaky bastard had upped and left, leaving nothing but his Kasa and a hastily scrawled note...

My People have been searching for the jade monkey for quite some time. On their behalf, i thank you for delivering it to us. Sayonara, Ordano.

It seems we were tricked, this mans objective seems to have been to obtain the Jade Monkey from the start! This will not do, who know's what evils this Ordano and his people are planning!

It's time for us to take care of this Jade Monkey....

          Vince Valentine
       Grenadier Sergeant

[OOC: A big thank you to Garak Nightchill for playing Ordano and really bringing the character to life *Thumbs up* :OOC]


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