Totally Amateur but we have some richy kinda guy directing, so the budget is only limited to the space. I don't do any work with them any more but the last piece i helped with was "Best little Whorehouse in Texas"
Well I got to be one of the foot ball players (my base singing voice) and the shy kid who cant keep hold of his cash lol. So I get a total up skirt shot... well to "help" me pull off this surprised OMG look..... she did me the favor of ACTUALLY not wearing anything under that skirt >.<;;
Gotta say it got me the part and I most definitely enjoyed my rehearsals. theatre chicks..... not embarrassed by a damned thing and I'd almost think they were TRYING to show off what they got... like I turn around back stage and boom... some chicks topless for some reason..... I never could understand why you have to stand backstage half naked to ask if they felt that you pulled your lines off right..... i mean shouldn't she be getting into her next costume!! Of course I ain't complainin....
Do similar distractions happen over there??
Topless Theatre, woohoo!
So ehm... where would one sign up?