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Author Topic: [Report] Basic drill manuevers/Sparring  (Read 3372 times)
Zoie Hayden
Covian Guardsman
Covian Veteran

Karma: +5/-9
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« on: May 11, 2007, 11:11:52 pm »

When: [11th of May, 8:30pm - 9:20pm]
Where: [Cove Barracks Roof]

Commanding Officer: [Kelly, Officer Cadet]
Guardsmen in attendance:
- [Tyrael Styx, Watchman]
- [Perrin, Watchman]
- [Celuvian Happ, Watchman]
- [Falconheart, Watchman][Left early]
- [Snudrud, Watchman][Arrived late]
- [Mercy, Guardsman Recruit][Arrived late]
- [Zoie Hayden, Guardsman Recruit]

A friendly sparring match between Celuvian and I was joined by two other Watchmen, and before we knew it, the lot of us were lined up in front of Cadet Kelly.
Her first aim was to check our gear and equipment and after some harsh words to those with green quivers, demanded to see our bandage supply.

After our equipment was in order, we began basic drills: Turn left, about face, face front, salute, etc.

Then we went over basic combat formations:
The Box:

And the Line:

Once we were finished with that drill, Kelly felt it necessary to limber us up and give us a bit of a workout and a lesson in diplomacy

Now that we were limber, it was time for some wrestling! Two teams, one of which I was the leader of, were pitted against each other in a no holds barred fight for honour!

Not being satisfied with mere fisticuffs, Cadet Kelly ordered us to put on our armour and fight to the death with whatever means necessary! After angily banishing Snudrud for attempting to steal from Perrin, she was out for blood!
It was my first Free for all deathmatch, but I did well enough to not be the first one out. When it was all said and done, Perrin emerged the victor!

Having satisfied her for the evening, Kelly dismissed us with kind words and a job well done!

Zoie Hayden
Guardsman Recruit
« Last Edit: May 12, 2007, 10:10:55 am by Zoie Hayden » Logged

Diciplined Soldier
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The Baron's Own

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« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2007, 11:42:40 pm »

Grand Report, Keep these up and you'll get promoted in no time!

Tyrael Styx,
Kelly Sanderson
Cove Command
Covian Legend

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« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 02:54:15 am »

An excellent report, Zoie. And you SHALL all make fine soldiers.

Signed: Kelly Valentine, Officer Cadet.

John Dell:
My ultimate aim is to nag someone to the brink of total blindness and hate that they kill me.

John Dell:
It's for me like for you and pies; if one is staring you in the face you just can't leave it alone.
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