Sirs and madams
Guvernor Qom called us commoners out for duty. The task were to move no less then thirty thousend boards, from the bank in Cove to his workshop south of the city. To help us in this endeavour, the guvernor gave us gold enough to buy two packhorses each. Alas, an ogre had taken interest in the workshop, and as the guardsmen had won victory in battle and without doubt were bragging and drinking in the inn, we were to find a solution ourself, or the revanous monster would surely eat both the horses and ourselfes.
But first the task of moving the boards. First we bought packanimals. The greedy rancher had a good day, as he ripped us of the hard earned gold; that it were for the good of Cove, nay seem to have any impact on his cold heart. There were much confusing, as we tried to bring order to the eight animals, but eventually we gathered outside the bank.
We loaded the horses with boards and went underway – thankfully the animals now had other things to worry about then make a spectacle, so we made good progress.
As we neared the workshop, we could hear grunts and roars from the ogre, who still lurked at the shop. Guvernor Qom decided, that the best solution might be that we ordered the horses to attack the monster. A idea that, I must admit, at that time I found rather crazy. But since something had to be done, attacked we did. We drove the animals before us against the monster, and the pack trembled the monster down! After thus having cleared the path we unlodaded the animals, and could drink a beer to celebrate a victory ourselfes!
It took three trips before we had moved all the boards, but moved them we did - all in all it were nay a bad days work.. Participating in the task were Guverner Qom, Farfar, Zelinda Bazhir and yours humble