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Author Topic: Patrol Log- Orc Fort- 31 May 2007  (Read 2107 times)
Ronas Xerad
Hotheaded Scout Recruit
Covian Guardsman
Guest Of Cove

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Posts: 18

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« on: June 01, 2007, 09:15:39 pm »

Title: Suprise Shakedown on Orc Fort.

When: 31 May 2007
Time: 6:30pm MST

Commanding Officer: Ronas Xerad, Guardsman Recruit [Under watchful eye of Hoagie]

Those Present: Hoagie, Dragoon Seargeant
                          Ronas Xerad , Guardsman Rcruit   
                          Gabriel Drachen, Guardsman Recruit
                          Kerri, Guardsman Recruit

Objective: To Unsurp gathering of Any Contraband Or Resources Gathered By Orcish Workers.


Mission Details:

The Guardsmen Assembled at the barracks as usual, With hoagie of the Dragoons atop his Steed, Oats. Guardsman recruit, Xerad looked at them as he called the order to line up.

"Allright lady and gents this is going to be a Quick Patrol, were going to shake em down hit em hard and fast, were going to make sure those smelly sods arent outta like eh?"

The fellow guardsmen grinned in reponse and nodded. Ronas smile satisfied with this and Grinned.

"Everyone ready?" Ronas Asked as he  noted the waning light of the setting sun. Naturally his comrades nodded.

"Allright Lets Force it!"

A short time later, the group assembled catching a brief rest after thhe forced march, staring upon the Orc fort, they looked busy.

"see that there?" Ronas pointed out, "those smelly sods are up to somethin, LETS SHAKE EM DOWN"

Ronas Stood up Pointing his katana Grinning he yelled "Charge!"

And such was done, they rushed the unsuspecting orcs, cuttingw Peons and Sentries down alike, after a few minutes they were in the interior of the fort.

"Allright heres what were going to do....Hoagie and Kerri , Split off and search the Left flank, Gabriel and i will search the right Flank, Shake em down hard and fast, Ready Move"

And that order would prove fatal.....As soon as Ronas and Gabe Hit the right flank of the fort....Standing there with Menacing red eyes bearing down upon them, was nothing other than an Orc Brute.

"Form FORM, Gabriel hollered back to hoagie and Kerri, But he knew they were out of hearing range, Ronas Rushed in To engage the brute, Summoning the Light of the Avatar he Shouted "Fol Solum"!!, the concussive power of the Avatars Light surged through ronas, and with renewed determination he engaged the brute.

Sadly enough....the brute would prove to overpower Ronas, and he was struck down....Gabriel smartly retreating to hoagie and kerri, whom assisted in waking ronas up, took up a defensive Position. And with Teamwork, strength and Dertermination, The Covians Slayed that nasty brute, Looting his Spoils of war.

Cheers of Victory Rang as the Forced March Home was Called.

a Total of 2253 Gold was collected for the Coffers.
And the rule of an orc Brute was unsurped.
The Orcs remain in their place, for now.

Signed: Ronas Xerad, Guardsman Recruit.

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