Task Two: Advanced Combat Training SessionLed by: Zoie Hayden, Junior Guardsman
Attended by:- Hoagie Grayner, Dragoon Sergeant
- Raiden, Grenadier Sergeant
- Dalamar, Regular Scout
- Delcarakdur, Junior Guardsman
- Feraz, Junior Guardsman (Left early)
- Flina Trix, Junior Dragoon (Joined in late)
- Mercy, Watchman
- Dimman, Guardsman Recruit
- Karl Von Manheim, Church Servant
On June 13th, at 8:30 in the evening, I held an advanced combat training session that I had been organizing for some time. I have felt it necessary to teach the troops more practical skills and tactics not covered in the usual basic training sessions for some time; so I hosted one as per my trials.
I focused on three main areas: Advanced combat tactics, Intermediate targetting, and Team fighting.
Combat TacticsI opened the session by highlighting the importance of learning more advanced tactics; especially those we use in battle and those used against us. The first two I discussed were to be used against beasts and monsters as they would be less effective against more intelligent foes.
The first tactic I went over was called 'Skirmishing'. I explained that this was to be used against a dangerous, strong enemy you had no hope of standing toe to toe against. Basically it is used to run circles around your enemy, allowing you to strike it while avoiding it's attacks because you are constantly moving. It is particularly effective against slow moving, hard hitting monsters.
The second tactic I covered was what I called the 'Bait' technique. This tactic literally uses one or two guardsmen as bait (usually recruits) who stand at the monster's front while the rest of the army attacks it from behind. The baiter is to keep the monster's attacks focused on themselves allowing his allies to bring down the beast as efficiently as possible. I explained that this tactic can be used to bring down foes such as dragons whose fire breathing can easily incinerate an entire army standing before them.
The last two tactics I wanted to cover tied in with the Team fighting exercise so I promised to come back to them later.
Intermediate TargettingI moved on to give a general overview of targetting in battle and certain situations that might require more specific targetting commands. I explained that this applied both to monsters and enemy factions, such as Yew and the Orcs. I gave an example of a squad faced with 3 similar looking Ettins to fight. The commanding officer for one reason or another may want a certain Ettin to fall before the others, and thus needs to command his squad in order to do that.
I explained that commands such as "Charge the leftmost Ettin" would tell everyone exactly which one to attack. The same applies to our factional enemies, and in that case, the soldiers might hear such commands as "Target the axe-wielder" or "Charge the mage".
Combat Tactics, Part III then split the 8 guardsmen attending into two teams of four. I had them stand opposite each other and went back to the last two combat tactics I had left to cover.
With Sergeant Raiden's help, I explained how to properly defend against a conflaguration potion, or any field of fire. We demonstrated to the troops that remaining in formation despite the blazing inferno was the best defense against such a tactic designed to disrupt and panic the line. The searing, burning pain would pale in comparison to the punishment a lone soldier were to receive if he ran out into the enemy's waiting arms.
We tested the theory and both teams did very well in remaining in formation and maintaining discipline. Even with Mercy's very long lasting field of fire, nobody broke formation.
the last combat tactic I demonstrated was 'Containment'. I explained this would be best used to capture an important enemy combatant or leader without harming him or her. The tactic calls for two teams of soldiers to converge on the enemy at the same time forming an unbreakable human wall, preventing escape. It should be performed as swiftly and precisely as possible to disallow any option but surrender.
Team FightingWith the two teams still seperated, I explained the importance of fighting as a team since they would only very rarely fight alone. I felt it unnecessary to drill them again in healing as a team, so instead reiterated the importance of healing each other in battle.
I covered team fighting in general a little bit more before I unloaded some crates I had stashed earlier. I used them to illustrate how a team can work together to quickly dismantle a barricade even under enemy fire. I built a small barricade and had one team stand inside of it, while the second team attacked and dismantled it as quickly as possible.
Both teams did well and applied the theories explained to them in good fashion. The attackers were a little over zealous and injured some of the defenders, but in the end, it was a good illustration of a real attack. It led to a new tactic of assaulting barricades: Fighters in the front to dismantle while archers and mages stand back to cover them with ranged attacks.
Free for allAt this point, I concluded the session and offered a Free for all battle for the soldiers to apply some of what they learned. It was a good fight, and it came down to Sergeant Hoagie, Senior Joey Lenai (who came just for the free for all), and Junior Delcarakdur. The three fought furiously for ages, until Del fell and soon after, Sergeant Hoagie was bested by Joey.
All in all, it was a great session and everyone listened well and hopefully learned a lot.
Zoie Hayden
Junior Guardsman