Military Mining - Tuesday 09/10/07Leading:Amon Jarl, Burgher
Kelly Valentine, Scout Corporal
In attendance:Drachir, Regular Scout
Kal Shadowhand, Regular Scout
Flina Trix, Junior Dragoon
Falconheart, Junior Grenadier
Edmund Rufus, Junior Scout
Ihinar Tel'var, Junior Grenadier
Graem Carcer, Watchman
..Drachir had slept most of the day after the exhausting mining trip he'd taken part in the night before. He awoke at around the tenth hour, in the evening, patrolled the shire, and then sat down at his desk to start on the report of the mining expedition.. A few of us had just finished a training that had been lead by our very own Corporal Kelly Valentine. We'd all been warmed up, and it was time for us to set off on our trip! Oddly, we were ordered to rally outside the Townhall, however we all accepted this and ran towards the Townhall.
A man who I had not had the pleasure of meeting stood outside on the steps, looking somewhat nervous, yet eager to speak up. He introduced himself as Amon Jarl, Burgher of the Covian Citizenry. He then selected Ms. Valentine to lead the party of Guardsman, and for some unknown reason selected the Watchman to do some mining.
To our delight, Mr. Jarl had learnt a slight bit of wytchcraft before the trip, and was able to create one of those mysterious portals, which took us straight to the entrance of the mines! We spent no time dilly-dallying around outside, we were straight into the mines, and started on our journey into the dark caverns of the Orc Mines..
..And Orc Mines they were indeed! Thousands of 'em! We walked around about fifty bends, and around each of them was double the amount of Orcs! Some of them had helmets, some of them carried potions that they decided to throw, it was most perculiar. It was nothing like what you would find in the Orc Fort south of Cove. Infact, the Orcs inside the mine had even attempted to build some kind of a Fort, but had failed to do so as the walls of the mines prevented them from making a complete wall.
As we ventured further and further into the unknown, we came across some forges.
"Aha!" Exclaimed Mr. Jarl. "We're getting close!" He continued. A sigh of relief could be heard from the guardsman, as the travel could be felt in everyones' feet.
We finally came to a room with a large...wooden thingy in the middle, of no real purpose. However, it seemed like a perfect place for the Burgher to sit, whilst the Watchman set about his work, and the rest of the guardsmen spent their time in the caves killing the giant Brutes who carried a large amount of Shadow Iron Ore, which was the reason our party had ventured so deep in the first place.
Mr. Jarl decided that around five hundred shadow iron ore particles would suffice for the trip, and so once we reached that target we all ran towards the middle, and lined up ready to go home! Mr. Amon Jarl again created a crazy portal that somehow got us all the way back to the Barracks!
We managed to scrape up a whopping twenty-six thousand coins for the guardsmen and the Coffers! Ms. Valentine shared out part of the gold to the guardsmen, and kept the rest for the Coffers.
19000 for the Coffers. Drachir: 2000 Shadowhand: 2000 to the Scout Coffers Every one of us looked almost dead, Mr. Jarl said his thankyous and farewells, and then Ms. Valentine said that we'd be going to Yew to wash!?
"This is madness!" I thought to myself, and departed at this point to start on the report! In all, the trip was interesting, and the protection of Mr. Jarl was as easy as annoying Sergeant Hoagie!
*signed* DrachirDrachir, Regular Scout Of The Covian Light Company.