LEADCaptain Morana, Raiden
ATTENDINGSergeant Hoagie
Corporal Sanderson, Kelly
Cadet Carcer, Graem
Grenadier Falconheart
Recruit Barnest, Markus
What started off as something quite innocent turned out to be a complete
lie as the Captain lead us first to the titans and cyclops', followed soon after by almost being devoured alive by an army of the dead.
We had initially set out to map the problem of giants in the Valor region of Ilshenar, but seeing the problem wasn't as large as initially estimated and having burnt the remnants of their camp to the ground, we proceeded south whereby we narrow survived an onslaught of lich lords.
Overall the patrol went smooth in the sense that no one died, though the Captain did appear to have several abrupt, nonsensical outbursts proclaiming his desire of mind-altering herbs and his apparent hatred of the elders amongst the realm of the undead.
A sum of 7,000 gold (est.) was placed upon the Covian piles.
*Signed* -
Graem Carcer, Officer Cadet.-=-=-