Eve found Raiden alone in the tavern. He looked lost in thought but also a good deal happier than she had seen him for a few weeks. The Captain had hid it well from the men but she knew his dark mood had caused him to brood so much recently.
It pained her to see Raiden unhappy, not as much as it once would have done but it pained her still and she was happy to see him in better spirits.
The orders she carried would see them head to the Compassion region of Ilshenar and the comrade she took with her was now more like her former mentor than the lonely brooding soul she had witnessed dwelling within her Captain.Attended by:Eve, Grenadier Corporal
(leading)Raiden, Grenadier Captain
Gold for the Grenadier fund: 4,000gpEve handed Raiden the orders... All available Grenadiers would head out at once to the region of Compassion in the lands of Ilshenar to cleanse the growing numbers of brigands, orcs and other beasts. Particular attention would be given to the desert region in the south in order to lower the number of scorpions that plague the inhabitants there.
"Looks like just ye and me lass." Raiden smiled a little.
"Just like old times sir!" Said Eve returning his smile.
"Not a moment to lose.""Indeed!" Raiden slid the war axe from his pack.
"To Ilshenar!"The two Grenadiers worked in tandem to slay their foes efficiently and without mercy. After clearing the threat to the gypsy settlement they continued south to the desert region. It was hot under their helms and bronze armour but the action would be hotter still as they used all the Grenadier arts of warfare to dispose of the vile creatures that preyed on the local populace.
The area secured as per their orders the two Grenadiers laughed heartily as if in some form of release.
"Race yer back ter the portal?" Raiden grinned.
Eve dashed off laughing without reply.
"Bugger!" Raiden hefted his heater shield onto his back and gave chase.
After being dismissed Raiden headed back to Cove alone and to the Green Goblin for a deserved drink. There his spirits would be raised even further by that familiar cheeky voice.
"Hey Raidy!"Raiden turned around beaming.
*signed*Raiden, Grenadier Captain.