Led by:Raiden, Grenadier Captain
Attended by:Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant
Kelly, Corporal
Tyrael Styx, Junior Grenadier
Talpa Europea, Watchman
Thomas Scarr, Watchman
Azhaal Rhu, Guardsman Recruit
Alfred, Guardsman Recruit
Franchesca, Guardsman Recruit
Sieles, Guardsman Recruit
Coins for the coffers: 40,000 - Trophy collected: Axe of a Yomutsu Elder
As I eyed the line up we had a lot of raw recruits and a sprinkling of more experienced guardsmen. The mines would be a test I knew but they needed a test, they had been mothered too long. Time to see what they were made off.
I briefed them at the moongate. Stay together... You run you die. Listen fer orders and targets... Miss them you die. Basic enough stuff. The warriors that guard the mines are fearsome indeed especially their warrior priests and axe wielding champions!
We entered the mines and were immediatley faced by an onslaught of not only warriors but damn rock monsters too! I tried to keep the men moving. Nay stay still too long and get over run, that's the key.
We worked our way into the mines. The action was hard and fast. The men did well to heed my orders and we vanquished our enemies heading deeper and deeper searching for a champion who's axe we would bring home for the glory of Cove.
We eventually found one skulking behind an army of warrior mages. One by one we beat them down and after I snatched the axe from it's cold dead fingers we made haste towards the entrance where we were ambushed.
They attacked and we counterattacked eventually making it back to daylight and Cove. Well done to everyone in the party. We gave them a damned good thrashing!
*signed*Raiden, Grenadier Captain.