Commanding Officer:
Eve, Grenadier Corporal
Guardsmen in attendance:
Raiden Morana, Grenadier Captain
Flina Trix, Regular Dragoon [at least one Dragoon]
Marcus Tel'var, Watchman
Guardsman that was "volunteered" to write this report:
Dah'Han, Guardsman recruit in the Covian Army
A pidgeon flew in my face. Yes! In my face, with a small note to get my recruit ass to the Covian barracks!
Corporal Eve calmly explained to me that she intends to find some strange apples that have the color of blue!
At first I thought our Corporal had her visions blurred with nightshade! Aye aye I know what I am talking about *smirks*
Well after listening to her I found out that she was perfectly sound in what she was saying.
*ahem* Well after she saw my mimic after she expained what she was after she
forced encouraged me to write this report.
After a brief introduction................
We continued our mission in the lands of Illshenar to find the real of Savages where we hoped to find a blue apple
An old man guarding this cave was very fast overwhelmed with extreme Covian Swagger!
No we did not talk to him until his ears bleed we gave him a good Covian kick in the ass!
We reached the Savage outpost! Just to be sure I asked Corporal Eve again what she is looking nay be sure!
We litterally wiped out the entire Savage outpost! But I still have yet to see one blue apple!
And to make sure they will never come to our beloved Covian Homeland we burnt their crop!
that will keep them at bay!
The Savages of course tried to retaliate!..Of course no match to our superior Covian tactics!
After our onslaught I still nay seen a damn blue apple!
Well after that we returned to the barracks and Corporal Eve was happy to get some blue apples from various Marcus who said he found three...and we did get some nice coin as well...Everthing went well except for the fact I still havent seen one damn blue apple!!!
Ah yes the coin was a bit low meh thinks well we werent there for the coin anyway!
*signed* Dah'Han, Recruit in the Covian Army