Led By:
Grenadier Captain, Raiden Morana
Attended by:
Corporal, Kelley Sanderson
Junior Guardsman, Falconheart
Guardsman Recruit, Azhaal Rhu
Guardsman Recruit, Justice Forum
Guardsman Recruit, Cor'Vani
After recieving help from Captain Morana I was ordered to report to the Barracks roof top. Once there I could see that Miss Sanderson and Mr. Falconheart was already lined up so I joined them.
The Captain the told us that this was a Perade Training, then asked why us Recruits didn't have our Perade Arm out, (
after getting knock I did not have time to untangle it before being ordered to report to the roof)) I quickly untangld it and armed it, then was ordered to run to the town gates and back for being too slow.
After returning from the town gates we stood firm waiting for orders. The Captain then walked up to me inspecting my armor as he did the rest as well with a few things to say to the Corporal, and the Corporal returning her view on it and the Captains armor, it was soon set aside as we were then ordered to about face.
The order came to show our light sources, then bed rolls and bandages in which not all of us carry bandages, but were told to start carrying some incase another runs out, (
not mentioning any names). We were then ordered to pick them up and stow em away, then remove all armor was ordered.
First came Push-ups, Twenty of them, The we had to run laps around the arena, 10 laps around. After relining up we were told to double the line and the first row to about face where we then had to beat the feathers out of each other with Mr. Falconheart cheating I was forst to be hit by Captain Morana,
which really brused my upper arm badlyAfter a few more swings with his walking stich he then ordered us to CEASE and line up.
We were then ordered to show him what we had and the bugger went crazy on us telling us that we were weak and that we needed to do better. After a few minutes the Captain then fell with blood spilling out of his mouth onto the Roof top floor, we helped him up and he told us that he wanted to see us do better next time.
We were then dissmissed, Guess the Captain went to get his wounds taken care of for he was the quickest to leave the Barracks.
I just want to add that it was his orders and I hope that we will nay be punished for the knocking of the Captain.
Signed Neatly Guardsman Recruit: Cor'Vani