Attended by:Hrothgar, Sergeant.
(leading)Raiden, Grenadier Captain.
Hoagie, Dragoon Sergeant.
Eve, Grenadier Corporal.
Khaelieth, Citizen.
After the excitement of our trip to Trinsic we retired to the tavern where Hroth' produced four humming metalic orbs he had acquired on his travels in Moonglow. The orbs buzzed when touched and gave off a slight shock too. These would be used as
"buzzers" he declared as we were going to have a quiz!
We each took a seat and eyed our buzzers dubiously. Well everyone apart from Khaelieth who promptly put his down his pants. Whoever buzzed first would get to answer the question. And so Hrothgar began...
Question 1: Name in order, first to last the three rulers of Cove?
Hoagie buzzed first and answered incorrectly... Hoh! In fact none of us knew of any other rulers apart from our glorious baron Octiovus. Then again when you're as ancient as Hroth' you know these things.
Question 2: What was the Covian army's first squad?
Khaelieth's buzzer went off randomly in his pants and he answered incorrectly. The answer of course was The Baron's Blades... One point to the Captain. Har!
The questions and answers continued from the sublime to the ridiculous...
Question: How many times has Cove been invaded?
Twice I thought by orcs and the Kaldorians and Samurai... Incorrect!
Answer: More times than Hrothgar can remember!
Question: What is a Covian guardsman's mortal enemy?
Easy i thought... Orcs! Incorrect!
Answer: A hangover!
Question: How many men has Hrothgar killed?
We all hazarded a guess or two... Two hundred? Three, four hundred?
Answer: He stopped counting at five thousand!!!
Me thinks the ale was taking it's toll at this stage and after the tenth answer was given Grenadier Corporal Eve was declared the winner and we said our farewells and headed to our bunks.
*signed*Raiden, Grenadier Captain.
[ooc]I'll add a sketch or two when I get home. Unfortunately I didn't take note of all the questions and answers maybe Hroth' can pin them below