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211  In Character Boards / In Character Board / New Heights of Covian Technology on: August 15, 2010, 02:40:19 am
Fast as a goat!

Accurate as a goat!

Deadly as a goat!

Hoagie Technologies proudly presents...

The Goatbow!

Creation assisted by:
Cailin Keres, Guardsman Recruit
Raven Cross, Guardsman Recruit

Lucas Drachen, General Not-so-bad Chap
212  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Miss me?! on: August 13, 2010, 05:24:34 pm
It's obviously a llama. If it were a kangaroo, then continental drift would be having a much more radical effect, and we'd be smashing into Yew right now. However, we are stationary, proving beyond doubt that it is, in fact, a llama.
213  In Character Boards / Baronship Announcements / [RTR] BoC Rules on: August 03, 2010, 12:47:33 am
Hi everyone,

For a while now, the rules listed on the guild website have been slightly out of date. Additionally, there has been some vagueness in the way the rules were written that has caused misunderstandings at various points. To remedy this, I have rewritten the rules, including rules that come from the fairly recently implemented community RoE. I apologise for any misunderstandings caused.

You guys are all good at knowing and following the rules, so think of this post more as an investment in clarity. If there are any problems with these rules as written (though I've done my best to make sure they're correct and up to date), let me know.

~ For reference, here's the communitywide RoE.
~ In any instance where our ruleset contradicts the community RoE, our rules take precedence.

Basic Conduct

~ Use common sense, and respect your fellow roleplayer.
~ Stay In Character (IC) at all times.
~ All Out Of Character (OOC) talk is to be kept to party chat or Discord/ICQ.
~ Limit the use of Guildchat to announcing events or important information. Too much background chatter is detrimental to good RP.
~ All complaints, grievances or any other issues must be forwarded to BoC Leaders. Do NOT take matters into your own hands.
~ You must have your [BoC] tag and title showing at all times.
~ Recalling must be done off screen from other players, and outside roleplay towns.
~ No OOC abusive language or insults, either to members of other guilds or our own.
~ Give warning before attacking another character to ensure they are logged in.
~ Do not force people to PvP; always give an alternative (such as being taken prisoner or fleeing).
~ From the other side, if you do not wish to engage in PvP, it is wise to comply to your attacker's demands or run away. Don't stand defiantly insulting them and then complain when they attack you.
~ Check with Guild Leaders before attacking enemy territories (especially with 5 or more men) so that you do not disrupt anything important.
~ Carry a Yellow bag with goodies such as gems and gold, so they can be looted and stolen! Hah!

General Rules

~ Mounts are forbidden, unless specifically allowed by rank. These ranks are:
  • Baron
  • Commander
  • Captain
  • Steward
  • Templars
  • Exploring Officer
  • Patricians (with the appropriate licence)
  • Nobles (with the appropriate license)
~ No non-horse mounts.
~ Mounts are not allowed in PvP.
~ You may NOT use Area of Effect spells or fields.
~ You may NOT cast Summons.

Item Related Rules

~ No magic/runic jewellery, armour, or weapons at any time.
~ No talismans except the Friends of the Library Token and Talisman of the Fey are allowed.
~ All stealable consumables are forbidden in PvP. These include but are not limited to balms, lotions, etc.
~ All quivers except for the Despicable Quiver and Quiver of Infinity are allowed, but must be appropriately dyed to match uniform or other attire.
~ You may only use bows crafted with regular wood.

Skill Related Rules

There are several restricted skills in [BoC]. Unless you have special dispensation, such as having filled out a Special Character Application, the following rules apply:

~ Alchemy:
  • Members of the Grenadier Squad may use explosion/conflagration potions with no Alchemy skill required.
  • Members of the Arcanist Squad who have 70.0 alchemy or above can use Lesser/Greater Explosion potions.
~ Archery:
  • Archers may not use the Lightning special attack.
  • Scouts with at least 70.0 poisoning may use the Serpent Arrow special attack.
~ Imbuing:
~ Mysticism:
  • Restricted to members of the Arcane Company.
  • May be granted to members of the Grenadiers or Scouts upon completion of a trial set by an active Arcanist user of the skill.
  • The following Mysticism skills are not allowed:
    • Nether Cyclone
    • Rising Colossus
    • Hail Storm
    • Spell Plague
    • Mass Sleep
    • Animated Weapon
    • Enchant
    • Stone Form
~ Ninjitsu:
  • Restricted to members of the Light Company.
  • Animal Form may not be used under any circumstances unless the character is permanently in that form, e.g. RPing a guard dog.
~ Poisoning:
  • Restricted to members of the Light Company who have 70.0 or more skill.
  • Parasiting and Darkglow poisons are not allowed.
~ Spellweaving:
  • Restricted to members of the Arcane Company.
  • The following Spellweaving skills are allowed:
    • Arcane Circle
    • Gift of Renewal
    • Word of Death
    • Gift of Life
    • Attunement
    • Arcane Empowerment
~ Taming:
  • Tamers may use either two 1 slot pets or a single 2 slot imp in PvP.
  • If a tamer is knocked in a battle he is no longer able to give commands to his creatures.
  • If a pet is knocked in battle it may not rejoin for 30 minutes.
  • Leather Wolves and Vollems are forbidden in rp-pvp.

~ The following skills are banned outright:
  • Bushido.
  • Necromancy.
  • Spirit Speak.

Combat Rules

~ NO looting, except from the Yellow Bag!
~ If you are knocked unconscious (killed) In Character, then you are injured and MUST keep the deathrobe on for thirty minutes, and cannot take any further part in the battle for that time.
~ Robed/injured characters may NOT be attacked.
~ NPC Healers and the Bank inside town are PvP neutral areas; no fighting is allowed there.
~ Make sure fallen characters (enemies too) are resurrected and allowed to loot their bodies.
~ An attack on Enemy territory is only allowed under supervision of a Regular Guardsman or above.
~ If you are knocked out in a battle, you may NOT log in your alternative character and continue fighting.

Assassination Rules

~ Assassins should always make sure their victim is not afk before attacking.
~ Should the assassination fail, the victim may not be targeted again for 24 hours. Failure of an assassination can be classified as:
  • The assassin failing to drop the target and retreating.
  • The victim fleeing the scene and avoiding defeat.
  • The victim defeating the assassin.

214  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *Letter delivered to Leso Valen, Steward of Cove* on: July 27, 2010, 01:42:25 pm
Leso opened the letter, reading it over as he sat down at a small table in the town hall. He gave a short chuckle.

"That's rich," he murmered. "Having to grant my political opponent permission for the establishment she just fired me from. Still, no use dwelling on things like that."

A note forwarded to Kiran:

Mister Kiran,

Thank you for your letter. I'll get in touch with her at the earliest opportunity and discuss her plans.

Leso Varen.

A note forwarded to Mizuho:

Dear Mrs Kazami,

I have heard news of your ownership of the Green Goblin. With regards to your plans to renovate such a prominent building in Cove, I propose a meeting at your earliest convenience.

Kind regards,
Leso Varen, Steward
215  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Looking for a house in Cove? on: July 26, 2010, 03:01:32 pm
Aye, I can help pay for any plots.
216  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A box with a wooden slot in the top sits beneath a poster by the town hall. on: July 26, 2010, 02:56:49 pm
From the desk of Leso Varen.

Hello there. I'm sure many of you know me as the new Steward. As may come as a surprise to those of you who voted against me, after being elected, I still care about the promises that I made. I was walking around Cove this morning, pondering, wondering what would make your lives better.

I've put forwards a few ideas, but as always, I am keen to hear your input.

Simply mark one of the sheets provided and put it in the box.
217  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Back in Business on: July 26, 2010, 02:04:10 pm
"Oh, yes," thought Leso Varen as he approached the chair. "Things are going very nicely indeed."

218  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Steward Election on: July 26, 2010, 01:52:43 pm
219  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Looking for a house in Cove? on: July 25, 2010, 06:22:34 pm
The following spots are free. It'd be nice to keep them in Covian hands!

220  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Steward Election on: July 25, 2010, 05:21:21 pm
Nominations are in!

The names on the ballot shall be:
Mizuho Kazami
Leso Varen
Spud Goodsoup

Be sure to turn up and vote!

Nominated candidates may turn up at any point in the day to write their election promises and ideas in the books provided. Tampering with the books of other candidates is forbidden.

221  In Character Boards / Old Events / 25/07/10 - 8pm - Election Parade on: July 25, 2010, 04:39:20 pm
A special parade today! As you should all know, today is the day that votes will be cast for Cove's Stewardship election.

Votes will be taken on the barracks roof between the hours of 8pm and 9pm. There will be plenty of time to question candidates on their policies and cast your vote for the candidate you feel is best.

222  In Character Boards / Old Events / 25/07/10 - 7pm - Leso's Election Party on: July 25, 2010, 04:35:12 pm
Come one, come all the Goblin for an hour of relaxation, free drinks, free food and merriment before going on to vote at parade for Cove's new Steward!

All free food and drinks courtesy of election candidate Leso Varen.
223  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: On Holiday Forever on: July 25, 2010, 03:53:22 pm
I'm sorry, there was a mistake in one of the forms. I crossed something out, accidentally voided it.

You're fired.
224  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Steward Election on: July 23, 2010, 02:00:58 pm

Just a poke, but if you have characters you're running for Steward, it might be an idea to make it public knowledge! Vaguely announcing a desire to run, and then not promoting yourself above the other candidates doesn't make much of a campaign. Tongue

225  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Posters around the Goblin on: July 23, 2010, 12:01:16 am
Carefully scribed posters are pinned up at various locations around the tavern.

Home. Home is a place we all value, and for many people, home does not extend far beyond your property line. This, unfortunately, is a short sighted view. What is your home, if not shaped by its surroundings? As easy as it would be to ignore them, the your home extends far beyond the house. Everything that affects the well-being of Cove affects you. It's time to take control of your home, and make the lives of your family and friends as safe and easy as possible.

If elected as Steward... I will have no power. I will be a mouth to make sure that your views and needs are heard by the council, and a sword to make sure that they cannot be ignored.

What Cove Can Do For You


In times of war or great strife, Cove has increased taxation on its citizens to ensure that the public needs are met. Previously, this taxation was implemented in a greatly unfair manner, leaving those not necessarily able to pay, paying the most.

I would revise the taxation system to ensure that the money comes most from those who are able to provide, and those with hardly a coin to spare are those to benefit most from this taxation, allowing for a free and fair society.

Proportional Reward

I would ensure that the citizens of Cove receive benefits proportional to their contribution to the well-being of Cove. Those who work harder will receive more payment, or additional benefits, ensuring that the majority of the wealth isn't held by bureaucrats or the lucky, but those who sweat blood and tears for the benefit of Cove.

This is of particular relevance to the military. I believe that increased funding should be directed towards those groups who need it. I would see that those branches of the military in need of funding receive it.

More personally, those guardsmen with families to look after will see that their families are cared for, with a bonus payment going to families of deceased guardsmen.


These are just a few of the changes I would like to see, but the true source of change must be from you - those who will benefit from it, and those who suffer from current unfairness.

Vote for a better life.

Nominate Leso Varen for Steward.
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