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241  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: December 10, 2005, 06:05:18 pm
Patrol of Orc Fort:

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Regular Grenadier, Vince Valentine

After we slaughtered the deadites in the forest we decided to storm the orc fort.  So me and Vince ran in only to have all the orcs in the fort to attack us.

We fought valiantly against the horde slaying many, and yet no matter how many orcs came we managed to kill them all.  We looked about and smirked seeing the bodys of orcs lieing dead on the now red hot floor.


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
242  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: December 10, 2005, 06:02:03 pm
Graveyard Patrol:

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Regular Grenadier, Vince Valentine

This morning Vince and I went on a patrol to put them sorry undead back in their graves.  The patrol was supremely successful neither of us were knocked, and we cleansed the graveyard of the undead.


Kurt, Junior Guardsman

243  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Patrolling Log on: December 10, 2005, 03:52:50 am
Patrol of the Orc Fort:

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Guardsman Recruit, Nicholi

Took Nicholi to the orc fort and we slew many.  The orcs did not have a chance we killed two of their brutes, and stole ones head.  After slaying the brutes the rest was easy, we took on almost the whole fort by ourselves.


Kurt, Junior Guardsmen

244  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: Eleventh Armsmaster Tournament! 4/12/05 6:30pm GMT! on: December 04, 2005, 06:22:47 pm
Nevermind I cannot do it I have other business I must attend.
245  In Character Boards / Old Events / Re: Eleventh Armsmaster Tournament! 4/12/05 6:30pm GMT! on: December 04, 2005, 06:03:29 pm
I'll join in sir.
246  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Need a smith on Atlantic! on: November 30, 2005, 01:21:22 am
Yea I do 105 blacksmithy, ICQ me and tell me it's you, 260088194.
247  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Can't Start UO on: October 26, 2005, 11:58:07 pm
I'll see I think we stopped using it though.
248  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Can't Start UO on: October 23, 2005, 03:26:47 pm
Did reinstall it I'll try again
249  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Can't Start UO on: October 23, 2005, 12:26:23 am
Somethings been wrong with my comp.  Sorry I couldn't post about it because we were redoing our house, and I had to unplug my computer.  My internet explorers fine, but every time I try to start UO an error pops up that says "An instance of UO is already running."  Anyone ever had this problem, If you did I'd really appreciate some help. 
250  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: ROLL CALL. on: October 01, 2005, 04:56:19 pm
Junior Guardsman, Kurt..... Of course
251  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *A notice is posted* on: September 19, 2005, 11:56:21 am
*Kurt read the notice*

Halt all attacks?  Pah!

*He then walks away to sleep*
252  In Character Boards / In Character Board / My Vengeance! Halted.... on: September 18, 2005, 11:27:33 pm
*Kurt walked into the barracks after his solo attack at the Yewish Guard.  He then saw Senior Grief and told him what happened.  "Bwahahaha" is what came out of their mouths.  Kurt then sat down and began writing in his journal.*

The Yewish folk are weak and frail, even when I was outnumbered three too one I still with stood the fight.  Here's how it started I was up on the roof of the tavern with Senior Grief.  I was Mourning the death of my Commander! I said what I wanted to say to the Commander then saluted to him for the last time.  Me, Erik, and Grief sat there not believing what had happened, but it did and Commander Eason wasn't comming back.

Then while we were sniffling and hiding our tears I went up to Easons tombstone.  I ripped off the ankh my mother had given me before she died, and placed it around his tombstone.  "I'll see ye in another life sir", I said to him.  Then I bowed down to the ground and kissed it.  "Good Bye Commander."  I then headed to yew to avenge the commander.

When I got to Yew I had ran into others looking to go in the same direction as me.  Here's a sketch of me and the people.

I had went southeast where they said and looked around a bit.  I did not see one Yewish soldier.  I went back and ran into the others looking for them,and I told them why I was there.  They decided too ally with me until some Druid was dead or something.  I joined along with them too help out and help me out.

I continued on with the group until we ran into a few Guardsman.  I saw that they noticed I was Covian due too my armor.  The guardsmen said the group could go but I must stay.  The group deserted me, I then said "Ah well who needs help to defeat these three?"  One guardsman said, should we rough him up?  I said to them, "Good luck roughing me up when I'm spitting in yer face when yer lying dead on tha' ground."  I began to combat them and disarmed them and began injuring all three of them.  Sooner or later we were fighting at the crossroads I saw a moongate and decide to run behind it to ambush them.  One saw me and ran into the gate the others followed. 

Before we knew it we were fighting each other in a gathering!  I saw commander Jordan as I was fighting.  I thought, "oh no I'm in trouble, I'm fighting in Jordans Office!"  I couldn't believe it as I was fighting them the whole crowd was watching and couldn't believe I didn't fall too three men.  I fought hard and actually almost killed two of them till they ran away and the gate shut.  I ran the guards of like the dogs they are.  I then spoke too Jordan.  During talking to him the guard came back and all four of us had a chat.

Down with Yew!  Kill them all! Kill Them All!


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
253  Command Boards / Completed Militia Duties / Re: Swamp Boss on: September 18, 2005, 12:00:03 am
Swamp Boss Duty

Lead by:
Junior Guardsman, Kurt

Junior Guardsman, Erik Arkay
Junior Guardsman, Garand
Junior Guardsman, Vince Valentine

Target Creatures Slewed:
One Plague Beast Lord, Three Plague Beasts.

I said this would be a walk in the park, and for the most part it was.  It first started with me, Erik, and Vince.  I lined them up at the front of the barracks and briefed them.  We all had set out convinced this would be an uneventful duty.  On the road we encountered brigands which are usually seen throughout Altmere.  We kept walking and slaying the brigands until we got to the swamp.  When we got there we could hear the roars from the swamp.  We've been here before but in bigger groups.  Erik volunteered to grab reinforcements and I gave him permission to go.  I went and scouted ahead in the forest and told Vince, "if I come back running fire as fast as you can behind me."  I spotted a single Plague Beast Lord, I looked around more and saw two other normal Plague Beasts.  I went back to the others and Garand had join us.  I ordered for us to move in and being the experience fighters we are we protected each other.  A Plague Beast Lord and a group of nasties came at us.  We slewed it and the other creatures around it with supreme efficiency.  During the midst of the battle another Plague Beast came at us.  Like a hot knife through butter we slaughtered it.  We moved forth as an onslaught of enemies came at us when all of the sudden two Plague Beasts ambushed us.  We fought for a while but afterwards me and Vince were Knocked out.  When I awoke I saw Vince still unconcious and Erik ordered Garand and him to retreat which was smart.  I saw the plague beast in front of me so I stood up and jabbed the beast in the eye.  It screamed and fell to it's death.  When Vince awove afterwards I ordered us back to the barracks.  All I've to say about this duty is "It's just another walk in the park"


Junior Guardsman, Kurt
254  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Three Undead Attacks on: September 17, 2005, 06:12:06 pm
Ta' answer yer question Drachir I 'ave ta' say this.  I know there is na' any sketches, but what do ye expect?  I do na'old a quill and parchment everywhere I got just incase a skeleton attacks me.  So oh well ye'll tha' note's good enough we do na' need tha' traumatic pictures.
255  In Character Boards / In Character Board / The Three Undead Attacks on: September 17, 2005, 03:38:20 am
*A scroll is pinned on the wall in the barracks*

The First Skeleton

After reading this message ye may wonder why I pinned this in the barracks.  To answer yer questions is because I do not wish for the citizens to panic.  As you all may know the Undead have been becoming increasingly powerful. 

Today I had dispatched two skeletons, I should tell you all to keep on the look out.  For the dead are roaming our land, and lurking in the shadows. I had recently come across some bodies it seemed to be the bodies of twenty or so citizens.  The bodies were massacred an eaten.  Upon kneeling and praying to them I looked up and saw the first skeleton.

I asked it why he had done this, and he replied with this answer.  "Until you give mess the couldron I will continue to do this."  I don't know what this couldron is but I'm going to find it out.

I fought with him but to no avail he knocked me on the ground bit my arm!  I yelled and punched him off.  The Skeleton ran away, but it wasn't the last I saw of him.  I walk to the barracks Injured and told Corporal Veldrin what happened.  I believe on the patrol she sent all they found were the massacred bodies.  Afterwards I tended too my wounds and went back out to kill it myself.

I went too the Cove gates and found Kiran, I told him to come with me.  When I brought him too the bodies he was appauled as was I.  Some things are not for the eyes of mortals, and the fear and agony in their eyes was one of them.  Kiran went to the wall and rested against it looking very disturbed.  I saw a man I knew a good friend too me, all that was left was his head!  I than heard the same skeleton from earlier step around the corner.  I turned around and looked at him determined to destroy him.

It was almost day break I looked up too him.  I was infuriated at his cocky Grin.  I stood up and struck the skeleton.  Eventually Kiran joined in and we dispatched the evil Skeleton in the deep forest. I had avenged my injury but not the lost souls.  I looked too the bones as they burned away. 

The Second Skeleton

Why me?!  After the first Skeleton was slaughtered by my hand, I was attacked by another from the Shadows.  The first one had mentioned a cauldron and was quite talkative.  This one though just attacked me without a warning!

I got quite far out of the forest while almost destroying it twice.  After a while of chasing though I had been knocked out due to the skeletons surprize attack.  I was not prepared to fight, but next time I will. 

This skeleton was relatively stupid though.  As he attacked Kiran when he was in a group of guardsman.  That led to the creature being knocked down and his bones melted away.

The Third Skeleton

This one seemed different but he was a messanger I believe rather than a soldier. Didn't matter too me I was sick of the undead by then.  He spoke too me talking about Overlord taking over Cove.  I attacked him with extreme prejudice and bled it.  He ran off injured too badly too heal.  He eventually exploded into dust and a scroll appeared from it. 

I grabbed the scroll and read it, the scroll read "You Have Been Warned"
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