They do when rping with guild that has CoRE rules.
Sorry John, you're wrong. We don't follow the CoRE RoE under any circumstances, so we don't actually need to give any warning before a battle. That said, every attack on Cove that I was involved with was with the permission of your leaders. I can't really recall any incidents that were otherwise.
It's very easy to take the moral high-ground for your guild and accuse us of being in the wrong, and it would be easy enough for me to do the same, claiming you all suck. Truth is however, mistakes are always made on both sides of the fence. You guys fuck up, and so do we.
What matters is that at the end of the day we need to respect one another, because neither of us is faultless. Slagging us off won't foster a good reputation, it will just cause things to slide toward bitterness OOC.
Rgds, Klion
Europas hottest GM!