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1  Command Boards / The Twilight Legion / Re: [OOC] Interested in a little fun...? on: October 05, 2009, 02:40:07 am
i would also like to point out that Naeloth wasn't Lolthite (they may have had temples, cannae remember) if i remember correctly, in fact i knew the heir Cra'en D'Thargaz quite well when i was in the Darkcloaks. Naeloth (or the Empire of Naeloth) was dominated by male drow, vampires and some undead and orcs.

Edit: Xirzin (Emperor of the ilythiiri dobluth empire, later know as the Empire of Naeloth) was a Ghaunadarite and a Vhaeraunite. http://www.uoforums.com/house-tremere/33506-historical-naelothian-maps.html

I think you’re more or less spot on with that. I know early on part of Vierna’s purpose on Sosaria was to find the rumoured Temple of Lloth. The Von’Sah said a temple did exist in Naeloth and that it was destroyed. Vierna searched and never found the ruins. In the end it turned out that the Von’Sah had lied and Vierna did find the Temple and far from being a ruin was very much intact. The bones of those who did try to destroy it evident. The Temple is not in Naeloth but in the very heart of Britannia.

Vierna met with Garrod Tremere and interrogated him about the Drow of Naeloth. He confirmed none of the Drow that existed there were Llothian. This was partly because the Drow that found their way to the surface were renegades and outcasts in fear for their lives form Lloth’s wrath and partly because they wished to survive somewhere they thought was free of matriarchal dominance.

Despite the fact that Llothian worshipping Drow make up around 90% of the population, Floh’len d’Lloth is the first and only true Llothian guild on Europa. Since Llothian Drow started to appear on the surface, other god worshipping Drow have vanished.
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Hammered on the doors of the Covian Church and Covian Barracks. on: July 20, 2009, 08:30:16 pm
*Hammered on the doors of the Covian Church and Covian Barracks.*

Greetings snivelling weak humans.

And still you do my will! I wanted an elf. I gave you a simple choice, a human, one of your own, for an elf. An elf may I remind you, that your pathetic weak faith classes as evil guardian spawn!

It was a simple choice, one of your own for guardian spawn and you could not do it! What kind of faith is so confused it does not know its own rules! Perhaps it’s because your gods are so fragile, so weak, and so unintelligent they cannot make even the simplest of choices? A priest that does not know his own faith is no priest at all. Or is it that because you did not give me the elf, the guardian’s spawn, you thought you thwarted me? Fools!

I wanted a death! I wanted one by your own hands! Whether it was a human or an elf, I did not care. You did my will by killing. The blood of the human cleric is on your hands by your confused decision. Chaos rules and you continue to do my will. I congratulate you!

Vierna Hun’ett
Supreme Leader of surface Drow

Ori'gato mina phlith, 'zil verve 'zil nind treemma!
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / *Nailed over the Covian warning posters* on: May 21, 2009, 03:16:35 pm
To the heroic Raiden Morana and his people.

Congratulations! It is easy to be brave in attack knowing you have impunity to do so. Even a human child can attempt to cause damage knowing there is no one around to stop it. Still at least it once again demonstrates the human weakness in trying to rule their subjects; they cannot do it by shear force of will so they have to create propaganda in order to show how strong they are. That you can fool your race into believing such fabrications only demonstrates how naïve and weak your race is. Still revel in your newfound heroic status while you can as the human who tried to set fire to solid rock.

You fool; did you honestly believe alchemists fire could burn rock and crystal? Did you honestly believe such fire could generate enough heat to cause even superficial damage? Do your scholars teach you nothing or is it you just lack the intelligence to grasp even the simplest of facts?

I hear rumours of crude and jejune sketches circulating celebrating your wonderful achievement. I hear talk of a mass slaughter of Drow; one indentured Drow casualty is a slaughter? Are your people that simplistic that such feats are regarded as strong? Still the fact that you attempted to damage the crystal pylon is regarded as sacrilege by the priestesses, as such you have set in motion events that I am inclined not to stop. So be it.

One final point, it is rumoured that en route you claim to have destroyed a Drow encampment. I do hope that is true because it made me laugh so much. You see I know the encampment; it is one that is populated by renegade elves and humans. Are you unable to comprehend the difference in races? Anyway if the rumour is true further congratulations are in order since you did me a great favour, now it saves me the bother. See how clever you are? Even in your futile acts of aggression you are actually doing my will!

Vierna Hun’ett
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