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1  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Dragoon Trials - Dylan Freewater on: March 07, 2006, 08:15:21 pm
*A Hastily Scribbled Note...*

Joey Ser,

I am afraid i cannot continue with meh Trials an will not be joinin' th' Dragoons. I am afriad tha' i cannot be a leader o' men with yer. I will only drag yer force down! I am also nay yet strong enough as a fighter.. I wish ter train more... Then amybe one day.. i will apply again..

Signed : Dylan Freewater

[OOC] : Havnt got the time to play two characters at the momenta nd i'd rather focus on Jen.. After my exams Dylan will be back with more music plaiyng fun!! [/OOC]
2  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Dragoon Trials - Dylan Freewater on: March 02, 2006, 05:23:45 pm
*Dylan limps up to the board and pins a message mumbling to himself "Now where is some cold water fer these burns...*

Damn Dragons! Nay one said thet'd be tha' dangerous! Pah! Cute fellahs though.. could'nt bring meself to slay one of the beautiful red ones.. waited till i found a brawn scabby lookin' one. E' put up a bloody good fight! Smashed me this way an' tha', after a lot or runnin' about bandagin' meself an' makin th' creature bleed i was able ter grab me a claw.. Tough stuff though Ser! Hoh ! Would never call these trails easeh!!

The battle takes place..

Signed : Dylan Freewater.
3  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Dragoons are Recruiting ! on: February 27, 2006, 03:56:37 pm
Seems yer have somthing against me. i will sign my name once more, bu' this is the last time. After this, i will not apply again.

*Signs the name Dylan Freewater*
4  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: The Dragoons are Recruiting ! on: February 26, 2006, 07:45:55 pm
Dylan Freewater wishing ter Join, Left a letter on yer desk some time ago but ye must 'ave misplaced it..

Signed : Dylan Freewater.
5  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report: A small Hunt on: February 23, 2006, 11:40:12 am
Hunt to Covetous..

Led by: Kurt
Present: Dylan Freewater
                      Jonas Ashcroft Ashccrift Ancroft....

We did venture into the Covetous mountains and bash some o' them nast birdy women and them weird floaty eye thingies... was decided we needed some more healing training... We hbeaded back and donated what little gold we had ter the coffers..

*a small tattered sketch

Signed: Dylan Freewater
6  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: *For Dylan Freewater* on: February 21, 2006, 11:10:50 am
*Dylan Reads the note and mutters*

"Grarg, thought i was free!"

*Grinning he sends a note back*

"It Will Be Done."
7  OOC Boards / OOC Board / Re: Absence... on: February 08, 2006, 05:35:01 pm
*blinks* Good luck! i spose!! =S nothing like that EVER happens around here...
8  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Chaffers and Dylan Do the Caves.. on: February 08, 2006, 02:08:37 pm
Led By: Dylan Freewater
Present: Chaffers
               Delc (briefly)

We did proceed ter the home o' those primitive scum an' smash them up, bashed them good an' proper loik.. we were practicing different weapon tactics an' we got much more skilled with our weapons by the end! Chaffers went down and worried us fer a while bu' he came to his senses and we were able ter leave! As you can see from meh sketch it was dark in there, bu' we still managed to slay a huge amount o' those fiends..

Can you spot chaffers legs?..

Signed: Dylan Freewater.

9  In Character Boards / In Character Board / A letter left on Joeys Desk.. on: February 07, 2006, 04:45:54 pm
[OOC] This is only for Joey and only because i can never catch him in game! grrr [/OOC]

Ter Joey,
          I have recently recieved meh Covian Cap, and i beleive that allows me ter try out fer one o' the squads, Since my ever so helpful mentor Anari is part o' the Dragoons (th' finest squad indeed) it seemed fittin' tha' i requested a position within  this squad. If yer could git back ter me a soon as possible i would be very happy.

Signed: Dylan Freewater.
10  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Dylan Freewater on: February 05, 2006, 06:58:54 pm
Training Session - Freewaters Gauntlet o' doom

Led By: Dylan Freewater
Present: Geit Arma
                      Edmund Rufus
                      Jack Sinst
                      Leloo (sent home sick)
                      Vince Valentine

Firstly as is th' way i did a kit inspection, everyone passed easily, except Leloo, who seemed ter be in a bad way, after failing every item on the kit inspection hse was ordered to do twenty push ups, she got through ten and was sent home. After the Kit inspection came the fun part, The Gauntley, one man stood i nthe gauntlet and the others lined outside taking it in turns to fight him, The ran for a while and then a second door was opened and another man was sent into the fray, meaning a three way fight inside the gauntlet after a long battle Kurt was victorious..

The horror of the gauntlet..

After the gauntlet it was time to bring the training to an end, in the normal way, a free for all! Yar! It ended wit' two highlanders bashing each other fer ages... Then Delcarakdur managed ter knock kurt after the rule of no healing had been put into play..

The free for all..

After that the men were dismissed! An enjoyable and informative training session!

Signed: Dylan Freewater.

11  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Report: Radau's combat training on: February 05, 2006, 12:35:37 pm
Ben teaches us the ways of fighting.

Led By: Ben Radau
Present: Dylan Freewater
                      Edmund Rufus

We did rally at the barracks as asked by Ben, where he told us he was going to teach us how to fight, first we learnt about fighting each other, about disarming then hittng as hard as you can, weapon swapping was a great asset an we were taught how to quickly switch in battle to give a good special move based offensive...

The First battle warrior Vs warrior..

Then we were taught how best to take out a mage, disrypting his spells was teh main objective, so we did decide on bleed attacks being the best way because as he is bleeding he is not concentrating properly and cannot cast any nasty magic spells...

The warrior prevails!..

Signed: Dylan Freewater.
12  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Conquest of the Lost Lands... on: February 04, 2006, 07:34:42 pm
Yar! T'was a grand trip! Made meh very happy... except the slaughterin' of dragons... them beauties...

Signed: Dylan Freewater
13  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Dylan Freewater on: February 04, 2006, 07:28:35 pm
The News Report -

Saterday 3rd February 2006 - Drinking Contest.

Today, Cove played host to a contest of epic drinking and merryment. The Covian team, consisting of Edmund Rufus, drinking agianst the Vesperian team, consisting of Olk Semsca. The battle bagan and both teams looked to be strong, the drinks were flowing thick and fast with no signs of either side slowing down. The drinking had to become more competitive, it was time for speed drinking.
The two sides face off in epic battle..

Edmund took the first two rounds worth one point each but then Semsca took the third round worth two whole points meaning a final round had been reached, the challange of the final round was, last man standing wins, a pitcher of liquor was placed infront of the already intoxicated men. Edmund was the first to fall, meaning Vesper had beaten Cove in a drining contest! The prizes were given and Edmund was left sleeping in the Folks Tale and Semsca was left sleeping in a house in Cove town.

Cove, Beaten!?...
14  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Dylan Freewater on: February 04, 2006, 07:20:22 pm
The Drinking Contest!

Led By: Dlyan Freewater
Present: Edmund Rufus (COVE)
                      Olk Semsca (VESPER)

The drinkin' competition turned more inter a town versus town honor battle between two men, both sat ready ter drink! Round one! One Ale! Drank easily, nay trouble for either team! Round Two! Three Ales! A little harder, still nay problem.. Round Three! Two Strong Ales... A little more difficult, this one counted as two points in th' tournamet.. The Final!! A Pitcher of Liquor... neither finished...

Round One!! Won by, Edmund Rufus One point!
Round Two!! Won by, Edmund Rufus One Point!
Round Three!! Won By, Olk Semsca, Two points!
The Final!! Won by....

Olk Semsca!! Vesper cam out the officail better drinker, seems a rematch is needed where more guardsmen attend so it is a more accurate measurement!

The results o' the final..

Signed: Dylan Freewater.
15  In Character Boards / In Character Board / Re: Watchman's Trial: Dylan Freewater on: February 03, 2006, 05:50:56 pm
Yahar! Finaleh Meh trials! Oi'm So excited! I wont let yer down!

Sentry Inside Cove.

Led By: Dylan Freewater.
Present: Lysandera, Recruit
                      Leloo, Watchman
                      Cor' Ari' Ta, Junior Scout
                      Jack Sinst, Watchman (Briefly)

The magnificent structure was set up by me an' Leloo whislt Lysandera an' Jack went ter git some hides...When the structure was finished we stepped back and admired out work.. it was a work of art im tellin yer! Nay one was coming inter Cove Docks without us lettin' them! We stood watch yer a long time.. nay one came... we watched  abit more.... nay one came... we checked the fisher men were ok.. they were fine... seems all is well in Cove! Hurah!

The Sentry...

Signed: Dylan Freewater
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