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Author Topic: *Into The Pockets of Ogre Lords*  (Read 2742 times)
Darek Milako
Have No Fear, Darek The Great is here!
Baron's Own Grenadier
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« on: August 06, 2008, 12:26:38 am »

*Darek sits down on his bruised arse. Tired of writing reports, he is almost done and ready for promotion. He gathers all his notes from the hunt and begins to scribble it down on paper.*

Hunt to Despise

Lead By: Junior Grenadier Darek Milako II
                     Grenadier Sergeant Vince Valentine
                     Watchman Delferium
                     Watchman Marcus Kobra
                     Regular Guardsman Kas Valentine
Later Joined By: Sergeant Hoagie

So 'ere we are, standin' infron' of teh barracks waitin' fer teh res' of t'em lazy bums teh line up. Finally we all arrive an' prepare fer our 'unt. "Today," Ah said, "we are goin' teh despise fer a 'unt of Gold." Ah started t'is 'unt teh 'elp meh promotion. Aftah savin' up gold these past weeks, Ah was onleh 10k short. So tha' was teh goal. As we lined up an' all was readeh, Kas gave us a gate teh Despise. An' off we went.

So we 'ead in an' we go inteh teh lower part. So downstairs we 'ead. Firs' thing's we ran inteh were army of Ettin's. T'em two 'eaded freaks. We slayed millions as we push our way inteh teh pits o' Despise. Gatherin' all teh gold we can. So we destroy teh Ettin forces wit' ease. T'was nay a problem fer teh Covian blades an' arrows.

So we push down an' 'ead off down stairs, now enterin' teh lair o' Ogre Lords. Bu' were we scared? 'ell nay! T'is was fer Cove, Teh Baron, an' o' course, Grenadiers! So we keep pushin' wit' blood flyin' all over an' drippin' off teh walls, teh darkness o' teh cave 'id wa' layed ahead bu' we took on teh challenge thrustin' blades firs' an' shootin' inteh teh blackes' of teh black. We finally find some commoner man fightin' Ogre Lords by 'imself, ye' was unsuccessful. So 'e gladly 'elped us. As lon' as 'e stayed safe. So we push onteh teh Island tha' 'eld teh foul beast's. An' we slayed them wit' ease. They kept comin' one aftah anotheh, an' we even fought about Forty at a time. 'oldin' our grand tactical forms, t'is was nothin' difficult. Ah've seen Kas 'ave more trouble eatin' Pie than slayin' these big, smelly, creatures. An' boy did these Ogre's carry some gold on 'em. An' Ah've nevah seen Delferium slay teh Guardian's summoned armeh wit' soo much hate. *Mutters "There Delf, Ah wrote i'"*

Delferium 'ad teh leave, bu' tha' was nay a problem due to teh appearance o' Hoagie. Hoags came jus' in time fer some bloodshed. So as we sliced through armys o' thousands o' Ogre Lord's tha' teh Guardian threw at us. T'was nothin wit' teh Avatar on our side. An Covian fightin' skill. Finally we decided our armor an' weapons were too bloody an' pulled ou'. Leavin' teh marks o' Covian power behin' fer them Ogre Lord's teh remember. Gatherin' way more than we expected. Total sum o': 20543gold. An' aftah 'andin' ou' teh men's share, Ah was left wi' 10k. Jus' enough fer meh promotion. Now jus' one more report teh go! Fer Cove! Fer teh Baron!
                                                                          *Signed Swiftly*
                                                 RegularJunior Grenadier Darek Milako

Darek Milako II: wow dude u look like a pornstar with that mustache!
Ogden Seaborne: Thank you kindly!
Darek Milako II: An' wha's wit' tha' 'at!
Darek Milako II: Ye' look like a rapist!
Marcus Kobra
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Cove Command
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« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2008, 03:37:12 am »

Har Junior! Twas grand and much fun! Them Ogre Lord's shall trembe when next they even think they've seen a Covian!

Marcus Kobra, Watchman, Army of Cove.

The Lord hath created medicines out of the earth; and he that is wise will not abhor them.
Raiden Morana
Cove Command
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« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2008, 06:55:52 am »

Well done Darek!

That staple belt is in sight.

For the Grenadiers!


Raiden, Grenadier Captain.

Retired Commander & Grenadier Captain.

Holder of The Richter Crest, The Baron's Cross, The Covian Seal (x2), Rage Of Raaz.

Veteran of The Kaldorian Line, First Minoc Campaign, Vesper Campaign, Yew Campaign, Second Minoc Campaign, The Border Wars, Vesperian Civil War & The Great Combine.

Kas Valentine
Spellbook of Cove
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Karma: +30/-12
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« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2008, 10:27:10 am »

Can't say I've ever seen something as big as an Ogre Lord run in fear, good show there Junior Regular Darek !

Signed in confused mixed up handwriting,
.enitnelaV saK namsdrauG ralugeR

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