Hello! This is my first report so I figured I'll introduce myself! My name is Elizabeth but everyone just calls me Pickles! I am the greatest arcane mage EVER! So, be grateful I'm on your side because I have the POWER! For I am amazing and all that is sexy and great. Do not question.
And so this was my first day, I've been hanging around for a few days and no one even thought that I wanted to be in this oh so coolio club too! With all the crazy people dressing the same and all non-jingling. So i had to hint it at Kas before he asked! Gah, how sad! Then I was given these depressing clothes with no jingly bells, I don't get how you all go around without delightful jingling all day! So boring! But I put them on and went upstairs to stand in line and just sorta mule around while people were supposed to be getting promoted, but it seems like you all are slackers and SUCK. So only Kas got some medal for..something I wasn't paying attention I was to busy glaring at the fool who stole my hat! After the so called "parade" I thought parade were fun, with music and dancing and stuff but this was just boring... We stayed upstairs and spread out a bit while the Commander went around and started checking that people had stuff... Which I wasn't even given or told I needed to have! Not a good start! Shame on you all.
The Commander being a complete JERK
After checking all our stuff, or more correctly lack of stuff, the Commander led us in some drilling of parade orders... Which seemed to be more of bumbling about like retarded elephants then anything. It was great fun! Everyone was so confused about what to do it even took some people a few minutes to figure out left from right! After a while we were able to count off in order!
Hurray we got it?!
After the orders we moved onto warcries, all of them were pretty good! We got to scare the Commander which was fun after him being such a jerk earlier. My warcry I learned from that women's self defense class in Moonglow, it was really effective. I screamed as loudly as I could "THAT'S MY PURSE!!! I DON'T KNOW YOU!!!" and kicked straight and true for the Commander's balls. It was very effective, Hurray me.
After the warcries we went onto a... "Free for all" in which my boyfriend Kurt won! Yey!! He beat up everyone. But sadly, everyone ganged up on me first off and I was knocked over really quickly. Jingle Haters.
I'm not sure of who all was there.. since it was my first day I don't know everyone's name. Sooo just write them below?
Elizabeth "Pickles" Martin.
Jingler galore